Dutch voters reject European Union-Ukraine treaty

This video in English from the Netherlands says about itself:

Ukraine: give back stolen art!

6 December 2015

Valuable paintings that were stolen from the Westfries Museum in The Netherlands in 2005, have turned up on the battlefield in Ukraine. The museum calls on anybody that knows where these paintings are, to return them to their rightful owners.

Vrouw Wereld, by Jacob Waben

This picture shows the painting Vrouw Wereld, made by Dutch painter Jacob Waben in 1622. One of 24 ancient paintings (including work by, eg Jan van Goyen) and much silver, stolen in 2005 from the Westfries Museum in the Netherlands.

Meanwhile, today, after the exit polls, the majority of votes in the Dutch referendum on the European Union-Ukraine treaty has been counted.

According to NOS TV, 96.1% of all votes has been counted. Of those, 37.8% voted Yes. 61,5% voted No.

In Hoorn, where the museum was robbed, 66.3% of voters voted No; more than the national average.

The NOS says 32,2% of the electorate voted. More than 30%; making the referendum valid.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his resignation on Sunday. The Ukrainian Parliament, Verkhovna Rada, will vote to accept his resignation on Tuesday, April 12. He will be replaced as prime minister by the parliament’s chairman Volodymyr Groysman, a member of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc. In a country where major political scandals and crises occur frequently and regularly, Yatsenyuk leaves government as one of Ukraine’s most hated politicians: here.

6 thoughts on “Dutch voters reject European Union-Ukraine treaty

    • The present Dutch government is immoral enough to like to do that. However, under strong political pressure even immoral governments sometimes have to conceed at least something, getting at least a bit less than what they would like. Like in Tunisia Ben Ali resigned. Like in Iceland the Panama Papers prime minister resigned this week.

      I heard talk on NOS TV of the government maybe limiting the treaty to the trade part (bad enough for animal welfare, consumers’ rights, Monsanto-fication of Ukrainian agriculture, etc.), and getting the political part out. That might mean getting military cooperation with the Ukrainian government out of the treaty. Which might mean less of a chance of having a nuclear World War III escalating out of the civil war in eastern Ukraine.


  1. Pingback: Dutch anti-TTIP referendum after Ukraine-EU referendum | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Tuesday 12th July 2016

    posted by James Tweedie in World

    CANADIAN Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed a free trade agreement with Ukraine yesterday even as political prisoners continued to languish in jail.

    The Liberal Party PM took the opportunity to blame Russia and Kiev for slow progress in implementing the Minsk II peace agreement.

    “It is obvious that Ukraine has made some extremely important and difficult steps in parliament and in their institutions to live up to their responsibilities on Minsk,” Mr Trudeau said.

    “And it’s also clear that the security side of the Minsk implementation, Russia has not been a positive partner.”

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told a press conference at the end of the talks in Kiev that the free trade deal will do away with “99 per cent of barriers within the next seven years in trade” between the two countries.

    Mr Trudeau announced £10 million-worth of “humanitarian aid” to Kiev, currently locked in civil war with anti-fascists in the east which broke away after February 2014’s coup, backed by far-right groups and Western powers including Canada.

    But when asked about the possibility arms sales to Ukraine, he said: “Right now the focus is on the training mission” that Canada is conducting with the Ukrainian army.

    Meanwhile the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) condemned the continued detention of its Kharkiv Regional Committee First Secretary and former MP Alla Aleksandrovskaya on trumped-up charges since the start of the month.

    She was arrested for infringement of the territorial integrity of Ukraine — a charge commonly levelled against critics of the government’s war on the eastern Donbass region.

    The Kharkiv court of appeal did not allow Ms Aleksandrovskaya to attend an appeal against her imprisonment last Friday, but the KPU said members of neonazi group Right Sector were present.

    It said the fascists “formed up” the jury to sing the national anthem and shout: “Glory to the nation — death to the enemy.”

    Advocate Alexander Shadrin said that Ms Aleksandrovskaya’s prosecution was intended “to shut her mouth, to isolate her from public and do not even bring her to trial.”

    The KPU warned that its 67-year-old’s member health was “a great concern” and “there is a high risk of death if timely medical care is not provided.”



  3. Pingback: Lost Alma-Tadema painting found again | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Hungarian-Ukrainian governments’ conlfict | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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