Saudi Arabian repression in 2011

This 2015 video is called The Indian Maid Who Had Her Arm Chopped Off In Saudi Arabia.

5 December 2011: A report by human rights organization Amnesty International records the wave of repression unleashed by Saudi authorities in response to the “Arab Spring” uprisings: here.

29 thoughts on “Saudi Arabian repression in 2011

  1. 07/12/2011 @ 16:45:21

    Man gets 500 lashes for blasphemy

    SAUDI ARABIA: An Australian man has been sentenced to 500 lashes and a year in jail after being convicted of blasphemy, officials said today.

    Mansor Almaribe was detained in Medina last month while making the Muslim pilgrimage of hajj.

    Family members told Australian media that Saudi officials accused him of insulting the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, a violation of Saudi Arabia’s strict blasphemy laws.

    Australia’s ambassador in Saudi Arabia has contacted Saudi authorities in a bid for leniency.


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