Versatile Blogger Award, thank you Erika!

Versatile Blogger Award

Erika of the blog Author Erika Kind has been so generous to nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Thank you so much, my dear blogging friend!

Here are the rules:

• First of all, give the link and name of the blogger who nominated you, in your post.
• Secondly, tell 7 facts about yourself.
• Lastly, nominate 15 bloggers for the award.

Here are seven things about myself:

1. Where did most visits to my blog come from so far today?

Country Views
United States FlagUnited States 187
Jamaica FlagJamaica 81
United Kingdom FlagUnited Kingdom 30
Australia FlagAustralia 22
Germany FlagGermany 12
Netherlands FlagNetherlands 10
Ethiopia FlagEthiopia 8
Liechtenstein FlagLiechtenstein 7
Canada FlagCanada 7
France FlagFrance 5
India FlagIndia 3
Bahrain FlagBahrain 3
New Zealand FlagNew Zealand 3

2. Where did most visits to my blog come from this month?

Top Views by Country for 30 days ending 2015-04-24 (Summarized)

Country Views
United States FlagUnited States 8,180
United Kingdom FlagUnited Kingdom 1,672
Jamaica FlagJamaica 620
Canada FlagCanada 492
Netherlands FlagNetherlands 488
Germany FlagGermany 382
Australia FlagAustralia 374
France FlagFrance 354
India FlagIndia 201
Greece FlagGreece 166
New Zealand FlagNew Zealand 140
European Union FlagEuropean Union 124
Romania FlagRomania 113
Norway FlagNorway 108
Spain FlagSpain 105
Italy FlagItaly 92
Ireland FlagIreland 76
Belgium FlagBelgium 74
South Africa FlagSouth Africa 72
Japan FlagJapan 72

3. Why do I, when asked to tell seven things about myself in an award nomination blog post, often have statistics of my blog?

Because the national flags of the various countries where visits come from make the blog post colourful. And because these statistics are always different from earlier statistics.

4. Which blog posts and pages brought most visits to my blog today?

Title Views
Home page / Archives 63
Fukushima disaster killing dolphins 17
British secret police spying on trade unionists, parliament for Rupert Murdoch 17
Poverty in Britain 12
Entangled humpback whale saved in South Africa 12
Big anti-ISIS, anti-dictatorship demonstration in Ethiopia 11
Impressionism and business at the London National Gallery 10
British poetess Judi Sutherland about blogging 10
How marsh harrier William lives 10
Medicinal leech swims, video 9

5. Which blog posts and pages brought most visits to my blog this month?

Top Posts for 30 days ending 2015-04-24 (Summarized)

Title Views
Home page / Archives 1,834
Günter Grass poem on Greece and austerity, English translation 339
Most hated animals top 50 161
Poverty in Britain 129
Bahraini king’s sexual harassment of Lebanese singer 118
Rubens, Rembrandt, differences in what they painted 101
About 92
European bison, short-eared owl and woodlarks 83
Belgian fascist suspect of Brabant massacres 82
Poisonous caterpillars infest Spurn Point in England 67
Dadabhai Naoroji not the first Indian to be elected to British parliament 56
Ethiopian dictatorship violence against anti-ISIS demonstrators 55
700 refugees drown, European politicians guilty 53
Real Neat Blog Award, congratulations to you all! 53
Monsanto’s RoundUp banned in the Netherlands in 2015 53
Dutch in Suriname, most cruel slave-masters 53
German anti war artist Käthe Kollwitz 50
Will US soldier escape punishment for rape of Dutch girl? 50

6. Which search engine search terms brought most people to my blog this quarter?

Search Terms for 90 days ending 2015-04-24 (Summarized)

Search Views
helen keller 23
egyptian sarcophagus 17
bijju animal 9
gender inequality statistics 8
stork webcams 7
snake in mauritius 7

7. Which referrers brought most visits to my blog this month?

Referrer Views
Search Engines 7,891
Facebook 296 Reader 151 88 56
Reddit 54
WordPress Dashboard 43
Twitter 36 18 17 15 14 12 11 10 9 8

My fifteen nominees are:

1. clarepollard

2. quercuscommunity

3. peaches and poppycock

4. merlinspielen

5. Joëlle Jean-Baptiste – Author

6. Blu Chicken Ninja

7. Luc Dewaele

8. Miss Ayo Délé

9. Deconstructing Myths

10. mihran Kalaydjian

11. Friendly Fairy Tales

12. Game Addicts Central

13. Oscar Relentos

14. Maria Luisa Marcelino

15. Track

19 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award, thank you Erika!

  1. Pingback: My blog in 2015, where did visits come from? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: My blog in 2015, which blog posts were most popular? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Real Neat Blog Award, thank you so much Cosmic Explorer! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Million visits milestone, my most visited blog posts | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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