Terrorists in Tunisia trained in ‘new’ Libya

This video says about itself:

18 March 2015

Gunmen opened fire at a leading museum in Tunisia’s capital. Tunisian security forces have surrounded the museum while tourists run for cover.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands today:

The terrorists who perpetrated a massacre Wednesday in Tunisia were trained in neighbouring Libya. The Tunisian Interior Minister Rafik Chelli said this. The two are said to have traveled to Libya in December.

In the final analysis, the atrocity in Tunis was the result of the spillover from the catastrophes created by the US wars in Iraq and Libya and the proxy war Washington has waged in Syria, backing Islamist militias in an attempt to oust the government of President Bashar al-Assad: here.

8 thoughts on “Terrorists in Tunisia trained in ‘new’ Libya

  1. ADEN, Yemen (AP) — A group claiming to be a Yemeni branch of the Islamic State group says it carried out a string of suicide bombings in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, that killed a total of 137 people and injured 345 others.

    The group posted an online statement saying that five suicide bombers carried out what it described as a “blessed operation” against the “dens of the Shiites.” The bombers attacked the Badr and al-Hashoosh mosques, located across town from each other, during midday Friday prayers.

    The claim, posted in an online statement, could not immediately be independently confirmed and offered no proof of an IS role. It was posted on the same website in which the Islamic State affiliate in Libya claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s deadly attack on a museum in Tunisia.



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