Costa Rican doves and common basilisk

White-winged dove, 25 March 2014

Still 25 March 2014 in Costa Rica. After the Tarcoles river, the land near that river again. Including this white-winged dove.

Near our room: a rufous-tailed hummingbird visiting a flower.

Also, a scaly-breasted hummingbird.

Great kiskadee nest, 25 March 2014

Near the swimming pool, great kiskadees have built a big nest on a pole, with at least one youngster inside.

Great kiskadee nest, parent feeding, 25 March 2014

The parents come often to feed.

Hoffmann's woodpecker, 25 March 2014

A male Hoffmann’s woodpecker on a tree.

On the other side of the river, a white ibis.

Inca doves, 25 March 2014

Inca doves.

Common basilisk, 25 March 2014

A common basilisk.

A rufous-naped wren.

Muscovy duck, 25 March 2014

A muscovy duck swimming in the river. Then, standing on the bank, cleaning its feathers. Wild muscovy ducks have a reputation of being shy; so, this is probably a domestic individual.

Buff-rumped warbler, 25 March 2014

A bit higher up the river, along the bank: a buff-rumped warbler. Certainly not a domestic animal, but a wild bird, living from Honduras in the north to Bolivia in the south.

12 thoughts on “Costa Rican doves and common basilisk

  1. Pingback: Woodpeckers and cuckoos in Costa Rica | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Muscovy ducks in love, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  5. New World ground-doves evolution is linked to major geological events.

    A recent phylogenetic analysis of the small New World ground doves (genera Columbina, Claravis, Metriopelia and Uropelia), based both on nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences, has shown how the evolutionary history of this interesting group is intimately linked to two major recent geological events in America: the Andean uplift and the Panamanian land bridge formation. Using complete species-level sampling for the clade, the phylogenetic analysis resulted in a well-supported tree. Divergence time estimates and historical biogeographic reconstruction indicated a South American origin for the clade, with several speciation events coinciding with either Andean uplift events or the land bridge formation.


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