Silvio Berlusconi, house arrest for his crimes?

This video from Italy is called Silvio Berlusconi‘s lawyer will appeal seven year sex crime sentence.

Sometimes in Italy, extreme Right people get lenient sentences for their crimes.

Erich Priebke, nazi SS mass murderer during World War II, got house arrest. Priebke used his house arrest for neo-fascist celebrations of his birthday.

Now, something similar might happen to Silvio Berlusconi (who praised the Hitler-Mussolini axis of which Priebke’s crimes were part).

From The Local in Italy:

Berlusconi ‘begs President for pardon’

Published: 03 Apr 2014 11:42 GMT+02:00

Italy’s beleaguered former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi paid a visit on Wednesday to President Giorgio Napolitano, ostensibly to discuss political reforms but also to ask for a pardon for his criminal convictions, according to media reports.

In an official note, the presidential palace confirmed that the Forza Italia leader had requested the meeting to lay out his party’s political positions at a time when centre-left Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is quickly pressing ahead with a broad palette of reforms.

But in his meeting with Napolitano on Wednesday, Berlusconi also took the opportunity to request a presidential pardon for his criminal convictions, newspaper La Stampa reports, citing parliamentary sources.

Berlusconi told Napolitano he feared for his political freedom ahead of sentencing on April 10th for a tax-fraud conviction, the newspaper said. Judges in Milan are expected either to sentence him to house arrest or to order him to perform community service.

Berlusconi earlier described the idea of him carrying out community service as humiliating both for him and the country.

The President turned down his request for clemency, the newspaper said.

Berlusconi’s tax-fraud conviction led to a two-year ban from holding public office and also prevents the man who dominated Italian politics for two decades from running in elections.

The media magnate was also banned from office for life for paying for sex from an underage 17-year-old prostitute, a verdict he has appealed.

Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi has been hospitalized with an inflamed knee: here.

Ex-Berlusconi government official arrested for mafia collusion: here.

Protests have mounted in recent weeks reflecting deep-seated anger among Italian workers against the Democratic Party government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and its anti-working class policies. The response of the government has been to unleash police violence against demonstrators: here.

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18 thoughts on “Silvio Berlusconi, house arrest for his crimes?

  1. If sentences seem too light, this is due to the fact that law procedures are very slow here, and particularly for those who, just like Berlusconi, have piles of money and can make them slower ( if possible) 🙂


  2. Well, as they say all is relative, I mean Berlusconi, crimes are tax fraud and prostitution? some years ago I was checking out how the Mafia, talking Italy, had contracts on waste disposal, such as hospital waste contracts and nuclear waste? if one can be shocked any more? the Mafia, were disposing this waste in the sea around Italy and the countryside, the Italian farmers who grow stuff for human consumption, were distraught that their ancestors who in prior generations took pride in their market gardens now ruined by toxic waste, I have been informed by some sites I write on how I am prone to believe conspiracy theories, if I was aware of this some years ago had I and stated such I would be accused of conspiracy belief, now it has come out on Australian TV, we can now feel that justice is done? or is this so? this tragedy seems monumental in terms of poisoning crops for future generations, is it reasonable to feel that we no longer live in a environment of trust?


  3. ITALY: A longtime political ally, business associate and friend of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was declared a fugitive yesterday after fleeing the country before a final ruling on mafia collusion charges.

    A Palermo court issued an arrest warrant this week for former senator Marcello Dell’Utri, who co-founded Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party in 1994, after prosecutors said they had evidence he might abscond before the verdict due next Tuesday.


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