Anti-austerity demonstration in Brussels

Demonstrators in Brussels, 4 April 2014

Today, about 50,000 people from many countries demonstrated in Brussels, Belgium, against the austerity policies of their governments and the European Union. The European Trade Union Congress had called for this demonstration.

Christophe Callewaert and Lode Vanoost report from Brussels (my translation from Dutch):

German dockers, coach drivers and hospital staff were are also at the rally, along with their union ver.di. Andreas Riedl is the spokesman of the delegation: “European policy needs to change. Everything goes to the thin layer at the top, the one percent. It shocks me that politicians applaud the German economic model. That is a social disaster. That model is just bad. This you should absolutely not imitate. I feel good at this big rally, but today, in fact, one million people should have been present.”

Belgian police blasted anti-austerity protesters in Brussels yesterday with water cannon and pepper spray: here.

Tens of thousands of people marched in dozens of Spanish cities on Thursday against the government’s brutal austerity measures: here.