Stop spying on us, writers say

This video from the USA says about itself:

Stop Watching Us: The Video

23 Oct 2013 is a coalition of more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies from across the political spectrum. Join the movement at This video harnesses the voices of celebrities, activists, legal experts, and other prominent figures in speaking out against mass surveillance by the NSA. Please share widely to help us spread the message that we will not stand for the dragnet surveillance of our communications.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a nonprofit civil liberties law and advocacy center that has been fighting the NSA’s unconstitutional spying for years. Learn more at

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

600 writers against spying

Tuesday 10 Dec 2013, 10:42 (Update : 10-12-13, 10:51 )

About 600 writers from around the world, including the Netherlands, in a letter have stated their opposition to the spying on citizens by intelligence services. The authors warn that intelligence services undermine democracy. The letter is addressed to corporations as well.

The authors say that intelligence agencies should be limited in their freedom to eavesdrop on citizens. They say that millions of citizens are considered potential suspects.


The letter was published in thirty newspapers around the world, including The Guardian, Le Monde, the Frankfurter Allgemeine and El País.

Last summer whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that global spying by intelligence agencies affects many people, including world leaders. There was phone tapping on a large scale in the Netherlands as well.

“No democracy”

“Someone who is being watched is no longer free, a society under surveillance is no longer a democracy”, say the writers and artists on the International Human Rights Day.

The 562 authors from 81 countries call on the United Nations to make an international law of digital rights to protect citizens in the digital age. On the website a petition has started which people can sign to support the action.

Dutch writers

Among the signatories are more than twenty Dutch authors, among whom are Arnon Grünberg, Geert Mak, Abdelkader Benali, Ian Buruma and Renate Dorrestein.

Also, five Nobel laureates have signed: Orhan Pamuk, JM Coetzee, Elfriede Jelinek, Günter Grass and Tomas Tranströmer.

Nobel Prize-Winning Writers Say NSA Surveillance Power ‘Is Being Systemically Abused’: here.

STEVEN WALKER says the British have a long history of helping US spying operations: here.

15 thoughts on “Stop spying on us, writers say

  1. Since the WW2, happened and the old guard of Establishment started to disintegrate in terms of its authority and vision, the loss of colonies, and Britain’s, inability to fight Hitler, without help from USA, Britain is now only able to control finance and use this as a weapon to not only subdue its native population, but with collaboration with America, subdue the third world, and destroy the morale or attempt to destroy this mind set, Britain is largely under the direction of the Jewish elite, and has to be a slave to these financiers, and be directed by their policies, as all part of a wider plan for the human species, which in the main requires, destruction of this Planet and the destruction of billions of Planetary inhabitants. For what is called the Common good, in truth, it is for the Common infliction of evil.


    • I strongly disagree that Britain is supposedly controlled by some “Jewish elite”. Like other countries, it is controlled by a *capitalist* elite. Mainly Christian in Britain; like it is mainly Shinto in Japan; Hindu in India; Muslim in Bahrain; and Jewish only in Israel. Captalists usually base themselves on capitalist rules; not on the rules of any religion or of any so-called “race”.


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