‘Send criminal pet shop owner to prison’

This National Geographic video says about itself:

Many animal traffickers kidnap slow lorises from their homes in the thick jungle and traumatize them by keeping them on busy city streets.

Translated from ANP news agency in the Netherlands:

‘Pet shop owner to jail because of 140 dead animals’

10/17/13, 16:16

The owner of a pet store in Rotterdam where 140 dead animals were found in June will be going to jail, if what the justice department wants will happen. The prosecutor demanded on Thursday at the court in Rotterdam 3.5 years in prison, including one year probation.

The man is charged with lack of care for the animals. The dead animals in the shop included dingoes, lizards, chinchillas, jerboas, gerbils, rattlesnakes and turtles. The prosecution suspects that the animals died of hunger and thirst.

Reptiles fair

The accused is also said to have stolen about 20 protected animals. Among them were Indian pythons, boa constrictors and royal pythons. The animals were stolen from a reptile fair in April. The animals, which live in warm areas, the day after the theft were found dead or dying in a car.

The prosecution also asked the court for a specific measure. That means that the owner for the next ten years would not be allowed to sell, export or own animals any more.

Britain: October 2013: A man from Essex has been arrested by officers from the National Crime Unit on suspicion of smuggling endangered birds of prey: here.

7 thoughts on “‘Send criminal pet shop owner to prison’

  1. Push for clamp on exotic pet imports

    By FRANCES LEATE , Posted on » Saturday, October 19, 2013

    A LEADING animal welfare organisation and environmental chiefs have joined forces in the fight against the illegal import of exotic animals.

    The Bahrain Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA) has been consulted by the Supreme Council for the Environment (SCE) on new regulations that provide basic welfare standards for exotic creatures that should never have been brought here.

    It follows a visit by SCE chief executive Dr Adel Al Zayani to the BSPCA’s Animal Welfare Centre in Askar.

    “The visit was a big deal for us,” said BSPCA fundraising co-ordinator Joyce Hughes.

    “It is great the powers that be are showing an interest – and he was mightily impressed with the centre too.”

    BSPCA officials gave Dr Zayani photographs of non-indigenous animals that the society had encountered in Bahrain.

    Meanwhile, Bahrain’s decision to join the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) last year was also discussed.

    The country now has a responsibility to ensure all international trade of species listed in the convention remains legal, sustainable and traceable.

    “Animal charities like the BSPCA are effective partners in the fight against illegally importing animals that may harm the indigenous ecosystem and food chain balance,” said Dr Al Zayani.

    “The BSPCA will contribute to our commitment as a member nation of CITES, which demands strict regulations on the import of exotic and foreign animals to prevent smugglers, buyers and sellers from mistreating such species, as well as preventing some imported species from viciously attacking local ones.”


    SCE acting director Abdulqader Khamis told the GDN last month that a crackdown on the illegal import of endangered animals such as white tigers, African cheetahs and lion cubs was on the way.

    It followed a GDN report exposing the huge problem of exotic pets being smuggled into the country.

    Mr Khamis also promised to shut down pet stores, zoos and farms that traded in exotic animals through “official channels”, saying the council was sending its people to conferences abroad to learn how to best tackle this problem.




  2. Pingback: ‘Send criminal pet shop owner to prison’ | Ώρα Κοινής Ανησυχίας

  3. Pingback: British illegal reptile market banned | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. From Bahrain:


    Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2013

    This is in response to the article regarding new laws on importation of exotic wild animals. I do agree and have voiced my opinion in the past on wild animals being brought into Bahrain and sold as pets or kept in confined spaces. But, don’t forget the abused, neglected and stray domestic animals, which is a big problem in Bahrain.

    Yes! Get rid of pet shops and farms which breed and sell, sometimes keeping these animals in appalling conditions from which they end up sick and diseased. Isn’t this a bigger problem? People buy these animals as puppies or kittens, then after the novelty has worn off, dump them on the street! (Or on me.)

    Control and licensing are needed (by the authorities) to make pet owners take responsibility for their animals.

    Stop imports. Stop the puppy-and-kitten-breeding mills. Yes they do exist in Bahrain and more and more licences are given for pet shops. Why?

    The government should be supporting charity rescue facilities, which depend on charity to operate. At the moment I’m taking care of over 300 injured and abused animals and turning away at least 20 to 50 animals per week as there is no space, with only support from animal lovers and fund-raising.

    This could be avoided with the right control and support for neuter and release programmes and the closing of pet shops and breeding facilities. Dogfather



  5. Pingback: Restrict exotic pet keeping, veterinarians say | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Cheetah cubs rescued from illegal pet trade | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Pingback: Snakes, turtles, giraffes, other animals in 2016 | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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