Afghan NATO bombing victims’ legal victory

This video is about the German Kunduz massacre in Afghanistan.

This video is also about the Nato airstrike in Kunduz, Afghanistan in 2009, which killed up to 142 people, mainly civilians. US forces launched the strike on fuel tankers hijacked by the Taliban, following advice from German ground troops.

From Associated Press:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 3:19 AM

German court sees merit in Afghan airstrike case

BERLIN — A German court says a case brought by relatives of Afghans killed in a 2009 NATO airstrike ordered by German forces has merit, and it now plans to proceed with a review of evidence.

The Bonn regional court says it wants to see video material recorded by the American fighter jets ordered by a German colonel to bomb two stolen fuel tankers in the Afghan region of Kunduz.

The airstrike killed 91 Afghans and injured 11, most of them civilians, causing a political furor and the resignation of several senior officials in Germany.

The Bonn court said Wednesday that the two plaintiffs might be entitled to compensation if the German colonel is shown to have failed to protect civilians as required by the Geneva Conventions.

Photo Gallery: Afghan Workers Left in Danger by German Military: here.

7 thoughts on “Afghan NATO bombing victims’ legal victory

  1. Pingback: Serbian three-year-old bomb victim commemorated | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. The rise of Islamophobia by Talat Ahmed

    In 1993 Harvard professor and sometime US government adviser Samuel Huntington published a highly influential essay, “The Clash of Civilisations?” Later expanded into a full length book, it argued that the world was entering a new historic phase where the primary struggle would be between the “Christian West” and the “Islamic East”.

    For Huntington, Islam represented a “different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power”. For good measure he added that Muslims have a “high propensity to resort to violence”.

    Two years later Nato secretary-general Willy Claes warned that: “Muslim Fundamentalism is at least as dangerous as communism was. Please do not underestimate the risk because it represents terrorism, religious fanaticism and exploitation of social and economic justice.”

    This speech heralded a reconfiguration of the world as the Cold War ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Western powers crowed at the demise of the Soviet Union and as they congratulated themselves talked in terms of a new world order, where publicly at least, peace and prosperity were the order of the day.

    However, as Claes’s statement demonstrates, a new bogeyman loomed on the horizon. Muslim terrorism signified the new threat and the rise of Islam replaced Soviet tyranny as public enemy number one. In the same speech Claes defined NATO not simply as a military alliance but as one “defending basic principles of civilisation that bind North America and Western Europe”.

    These ideas helped normalise racism against Muslims as well as justifying imperial attacks on Muslim countries under the banner of civilisational conflict.

    Willy Claes and the Agusta corruption scandal:


  3. Pingback: Afghan civilian German war crime survivors not compensated | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: German Afghan war atrocities exhibition | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: NATO airstrike, at least 11 Afghan civilians dead | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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