Cornwall birds conservation

This video is called Birds in Cornwall 2011.

From Wildlife Extra:

Cornwall Wildlife Trust buys 19 acres wetland

Walmsley Marshes expansion

December 2012. With the help of public donations, Cornwall Wildlife Trust and Cornwall Bird Watching and Preservation Society (CBWPS) have joined forces to buy more than 19 acres of wet grassland at Chapel Amble, near Wadebridge.

Amble Marshes & Walmsley Sanctuary

The land is part of the Amble Marshes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and adjoins the Walmsley Sanctuary, which is already owned and managed by CBWPS. Walmsley Sanctuary, with its large areas of open water, is an important site in Cornwall for wetland birds.

Mark Grantham, CBWPS Chairman is delighted with the joint venture, “Almost 75 years after the purchase of Walmsley Sanctuary, we’re really looking to the future with this land acquisition. These marshes are incredibly important for wintering wildfowl and waders and buying this important extension will have immediate benefits to species such as snipe, teal and wigeon. We’re also lucky to be able to own and manage the land in partnership with the Trust, building on our already thriving partnership.”

£70,000 cost

The new land was bought at auction for £70,000, using generous appeal donations from supporters of both CBWPS and Cornwall Wildlife Trust, with match-funding from the Environment Agency. The organisations aim to create more wetland habitat on the new land, which will enhance and extend that already at Walmsley Sanctuary, as well as creating new access.


Daniel Eva, Trustee for Cornwall Wildlife Trust says, “We had to move very quickly to buy this land at auction and would not have been able to do this without appeal income donated by Trust supporters over the years. This incredible support, with donations from both members and beyond, has enabled us to buy a fantastic new nature reserve, a fitting achievement as we near the end of our 50th Anniversary year. We would like to thank everyone who supports our appeals. All donations are so important and help to protect Cornwall’s wildlife and wild places for the future.”

The Trust is currently calling for donations to their special 50th Anniversary ‘Cornish Wildlife Appeal’. The Trust aims to protect woodland, heathland and meadow wildlife across the county, focusing around Launceston in the East of Cornwall, through their biggest ever appeal. To donate, please visit, call (01872) 273939 or post a cheque to Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Wildlife Appeal 2012, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ.

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