London anti-NATO protest, 19 May

This video is called Women Say No to NATO: 1 : The Story : London 20 Nov 2010.

This video is Part 2.

From the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Britain:

NO TO NATO: Protest at the US Embassy on the 19th May

Don’t Attack Iran – Troops Out of Afghanistan – No Intervention in the Middle East

1pm, Saturday 19th May

US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London W1A 2LQ

Called by Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Stop the War Coalition

Email ben.folley [at] for more information

With protests planned outside the 25th NATO summit in Chicago, a big No to NATO rally in solidarity with them will take place outside the US Embassy in London on 19th May.

The NATO Heads of Government are officially due to discuss the ‘capabilities it needs to defend its population and territory and to deal with the challenges of the 21st century’.

In reality the summit will discuss the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan, drone attacks on Pakistan and potential interventions in Syria, Iran and elsewhere.

Make sure you’re there to show your solidarity with the planned protests in Chicago and to demand an end to NATO’s self-appointed police force of the world.

*Join the Tweet-out this Thursday*

On Thursday 17th May there will be a coordinated ‘Tweet-out’. We’ll use this to release the joint statement on NATO that we’ve put together with the US antiwar movement. We’ve lined up several supporters with big twitter followings, but we need as many people as possible – whether your followers number tens or thousands – get involved.

Join the Tweet out next Thursday, starting 1pm.

The hashtag is #May19No2Nato.

Do start using this hashtag from now as well as on Thursday.

See also here.

USA: FBI harasses anti-NATO activist in Utah. Agent asks about upcoming protest against NATO summit in Chicago: here.

3 thoughts on “London anti-NATO protest, 19 May

  1. Pingback: Chicago peace activists on the NATO summit | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Nato and our politicians don’t give a toss about what we think. As ever, they will go blindly on with their pathetic murdering ways regardless of the people who voted them in.


    • Hi minnie, if there are big anti-war demonstrations, strikes, occupations, then it will become more difficult for politicians to support NATO’s wars. The new French president says he will get French troops out of Afghanistan.


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