Bumblebees most visible Dutch bees

This video is called Giant honey beesLife in the Undergrowth – BBC Attenborough.

Translated from Dutch Vroege Vogels radio:

Earth Bumblebee wins bee count weekend

May 14, 2012 11:46

The earth bumble bee is the most counted species during the first nationwide bee count weekend. That was announced this Monday by the VARA radio / TV program Vroege Vogels. In total, more than 1300 bees were counted. The earth bumblebee was seen in more than 200 gardens.


The bees’ top-5 is surprisingly dominated by bumblebees. Second is the tree bumblebee, followed by the garden bumblebee and the common carder-bee. In fifth place only, we find the honeybee. Beforehand, it was expected that the tawny mining bee and the red mason bee would end up higher than now, place 6 and 7. The organizers KNNV, EIS-Netherlands and the Bees Foundation are pleased with the results.

First time

The first national bee count weekend was on 12 and 13 May. Hundreds of participants sent their reports of their own garden, balcony or park …

Dutch wild bees: here.

Gardens in poor neighbourhoods are better for bees than those in richer suburban areas, research has revealed: here.

4 thoughts on “Bumblebees most visible Dutch bees

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