Vatican-Ireland conflict on child abuse cover-up

This video from the USA is called Priest Sex Abuse: Sex Abuse Victims’ Groups Outraged By Vatican Decision to Clear Accused Priest.

From RTÉ News in Ireland:

Taoiseach in unprecedented attack on Vatican

Updated: 22:01, Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has strongly criticised the Vatican for what he said was an attempt to frustrate the Cloyne inquiry, accusing it of downplaying the rape of children to protect its power and reputation.

Mr Kenny was speaking during Dáil statements on the report. (Read)

Never before has a Taoiseach used such language in criticising the Catholic Church.

Mr Kenny told the Dáil that the Cloyne Report highlighted the ‘dysfunction, disconnection, elitism and narcissism that dominate the culture of the Vatican to this day.’

The rape and torture of children had been downplayed or ‘managed’ to uphold, instead, the primacy of the institution, which are its power, standing and ‘reputation’.

The hierarchy had proved either unwilling or unable to address what he called the horrors uncovered in successive reports, a failure which he said must be devastating for so many good priests.

Mr Kenny said that the Catholic Church needed to be truly and deeply penitent for the wrongdoing it perpetrated, hid and denied.

‘Instead of listening to evidence of humiliation and betrayal,’ Mr Kenny pointed out that the Vatican’s reaction had been to parse and analyse it, with the eye of a canon lawyer.

‘This position is the polar opposite of the radicalism, the humility and the compassion that the Church had been founded on.’

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin said what was done was not just to avoid scandal – it involved the wilful refusal to respect basic moral and legal responsibilities.

Mr Martin said no-one had any excuse for not knowing what to do when there was even a suspicion of child abuse.

Sinn Féin’s Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin said the report shows it had learned nothing since the Fr Brendan Smith scandal.

O’Gorman praises ‘groundbreaking’ speech

Founder of One in Four, Colm O’Gorman has said there are not enough superlatives to describe Enda Kenny’s speech today.

He said it was groundbreaking and extraordinary and a speech that historians would hopefully refer to in the future as a defining moment when Ireland was offered the opportunity to become a Republic.

Mr O’Gorman said Mr Kenny’s words were uncompromising in their withering condemnation of the Vatican.

He said he had hoped for a speech like this for nearly ten years.

Archbishop criticises Catholic hierarchy

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has said there are groups in the Vatican and the hierarchy who try to undermine and refuse to understand what is being done in terms of child protection.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Six One, he called these groups ‘a cabal’ who refused to recognise Vatican rules in the area.

So, the Vatican and extreme conservative “cabals” within it have managed to make the whole parliament of traditionally piously Roman Catholic Ireland their enemies. Including the ruling Fine Gael party of Enda Kenny, conservatives with historically close links to the Roman Catholic hierarchy.

The tone and content of Kenny’s criticisms were unprecedented in the history of the Irish republic, whose 1937 constitution, created by Eamon de Valera, defined the “special position” of the Catholic Church in the Irish state: here.

Catholic Child Abuse in Northern Ireland: Hundreds Respond: here.

In a landmark judgment, the European Court of Human Rights found that the Irish State “had to have been aware of the level of sexual crime against minors through its prosecution of such crimes at a significant rate prior to the 1970s”: here.

US fundamentalist Mormon Polygamist Warren Jeffs Guilty of Child Rape: here.

Buddhist monk accused of raping young girls still overseeing temple, children: here.

29 thoughts on “Vatican-Ireland conflict on child abuse cover-up

  1. Has The Rock been negligent, breached its duty of care or committed crimes against god? then tell us your truthful stories of abuse and neglect and your views.

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    At C.1:Q.96, Nostradamus foretells of an iconoclastic prophet, using refined language to continually educate, who is raised in the Last Days.

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  2. OM onderzoekt hoge sterfte in RK-kliniek

    Toegevoegd: dinsdag 16 aug 2011, 09:03

    Update: dinsdag 16 aug 2011, 09:17

    Het Openbaar Ministerie doet onderzoek naar een opmerkelijk hoog aantal sterfgevallen onder jongens in de voormalige katholieke psychiatrische instelling Sint Joseph in het Limburgse Heel.

    Het OM gaat daartoe over na een tip van de commissie-Deetman, die onderzoek doet naar seksueel misbruik in de katholieke kerk.

    Kent u mensen die in de jaren 50 in de psychiatrische instelling Sint Joseph zaten of werkten? Of kunt u ons meer vertellen over de instelling? Wij horen graag uw verhaal.

    Sociale werkplaats

    De commissie ontdekte dat in 1952, 1953 en 1954 opmerkelijk veel jongens onder de 18 jaar zijn gestorven in het Sint Joseph. Het gaat om 34 sterfgevallen.

    De commissie-Deetman wil geen verdere details over de zaken vrijgeven. Ook niet of de sterfgevallen te maken hebben gehad met seksueel misbruik.

    Het Sint Joseph was een internaat met een sociale werkplaats voor verstandelijk gehandicapten.


    Naar nu blijkt waren het bisdom Roermond, de arbeidsinspectie, de katholieke kinderbescherming en een inspecteur voor de volksgezondheid aan het eind van de jaren 50 op de hoogte van de sterfgevallen. Er zouden toen al vraagtekens zijn gezet bij het hoge aantal sterfgevallen.

    Inmiddels zijn de zaken verjaard, maar het OM doet vanwege de omvang en impact van de zaak toch onderzoek. Daaruit moet onder meer blijken of sterfgevallen in de doofpot zijn gestopt.

    Tot dusver heeft het onderzoek zich gericht op het achterhalen van nabestaanden van de overledenen en op archiefonderzoek. Het OM zal zich nu ook gaan bezighouden met het horen van betrokkenen.


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