Irish oppose British Afghan war propaganda

This video from Ireland says about itself:

Approximately 350 people demonstrated in Belfast, as part of the international “World against War” day of action. March 15th 2008.

Organised by the Belfast anti War Movement, the demo was supported by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, NUS-USI, NIPSA and the Ireland Palestine solidarity campaign.

Ireland: Republicans pledged today to actively oppose any British army march through Belfast after the city council approved a homecoming parade for the Royal Irish Regiment and Irish Guards returning from Afghanistan: here.

The Bruce Carson scandal is growing by the day. Today, the Toronto Star reports that the disgraced former Harper advisor played a key role in this country’s foreign policy: “Carson was the Prime Minister’s point man on Canada’s mission in Afghanistan and was provided sensitive information about the military mission despite his criminal record”: here.

Armadillo: A new documentary [film] on Afghanistan gets Jeff Sawtell’s approval: here. See also here.

War and the United States government: here.

The United States, on the verge of shutting down its own government for lack of funds, just forked over another $50 million for a peace jirga (or council) to negotiate peace in Afghanistan or at least sponsor an upcoming conference in the United Arab Emirates and – perhaps more so – bribe Taliban fighters to temporarily stop fighting: here.

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