German nazi murders Egyptian woman

This video is called The Muslim Marwa al-Sherbini killed in German court drama with 18 stabs – July 4th.

From Associated Press:

Egyptians cry racism in woman’s slaying in Germany

By MAGGIE MICHAEL – 3 hours ago

CAIRO — Thousands of Egyptian mourners marched behind the coffin of the “martyr of the head scarf” on Monday — a pregnant Muslim woman who was stabbed to death in a German courtroom as her young son watched.

Many in her homeland were outraged by the attack and saw the low key response in Germany as an example of racism and anti-Muslim sentiment.

Her husband was critically wounded in the attack Wednesday in Dresden when he tried to intervene and was stabbed by the attacker and accidentally shot by court security. …

[Marwa] Al-Sherbini, who was about four months pregnant and wore the Islamic head scarf, was involved in a court case against her neighbor for calling her a terrorist and was set to testify against him when he stabbed her 18 times inside the courtroom in front of her 3-year-old son.

Her husband, who was in Germany on a research fellowship, came to her aid and was also stabbed by the neighbor and shot in the leg by a security guard who initially mistook him for the attacker, German prosecutors said. He is now in critical condition in a German hospital, according to al-Sherbini’s brother.

“The guards thought that as long as he wasn’t blond, he must be the attacker so they shot him,” al-Sherbini told an Egyptian television station.

The man, who has only been identified as 28-year-old Alex W., remains in detention and prosecutors have opened an investigation on suspicion of murder.

Christian Avenarius, the prosecutor in Dresden where the incident took place, described the killer as driven by a deep hatred of Muslims. “It was very clearly a xenophobic attack of a fanatical lone wolf.”

He added that the attacker was a Russian of German descent who had immigrated to Germany in 2003 and had expressed his contempt for Muslims at the start of the trial. …

The killing has dominated Egyptian media for days, while it has received comparatively little coverage in German and Western media.

A German Muslim group criticized government officials and the media for not paying enough attention to the crime.

“The incident in Dresden had anti-Islamic motives. So far, the reactions from politicians and media have been incomprehensibly meager,” Aiman Mazyek, the general secretary of the Central Council of Muslims, told Berlin’s Tagesspiegel daily. …

An Egyptian blogger Hicham Maged, wrote “let us play the ‘What If’ game.”

“Just imagine if the situation was reversed and the victim was a Westerner who was stabbed anywhere in the world or — God forbid — in any Middle Eastern country by Muslim extremists,” he said. …

According to numerous interviews in Egyptian local papers with el-Sherbini family, the man who stabbed al-Sherbini used to accuse her of being a “terrorist,” and in one incident, he tried to take off her head scarf. …

Officials from a German Muslim group and the country’s main Jewish group made a joint visit Monday to the Dresden hospital where the victim’s husband is being treated.

“You don’t have to be a Muslim to act against anti-Muslim behavior, and you don’t have to be a Jew to act against anti-Semitism,” said Stephan Kramer, the general secretary of the Central Council of Jews.

See also here.

German political and media circles have reacted reservedly to the murder of an Arab woman by a neo-fascist in a German courtroom: here.

German prosecutors have filed murder charges against a man who fatally stabbed a pregnant Egyptian woman in a German court – a killing that sparked street protests across the Middle East: here.

Using language usually associated with far-right parties, Federal Bank executive committee member Thilo Sarrazin (of the Social Democratic Party) denounced the most vulnerable layers of society: here.

British police fear far-right terror attack: here.

5 thoughts on “German nazi murders Egyptian woman

  1. Egypt mourns ‘headscarf martyr’

    The body of a Muslim woman, killed in a German courtroom by a man convicted of insulting her religion, has been taken back to her native Egypt for burial.

    Marwa Sherbini, 31, was stabbed 18 times by Axel W, who is now under arrest in Dresden for suspected murder.

    Husband Elwi Okaz is also in a critical condition in hospital, after being injured as he tried to save his wife.

    Ms Sherbini had sued her killer after he called her a “terrorist” because of her headscarf.

    The case has attracted much attention in Egypt and the Muslim world.

    German prosecutors have said the 28-year-old attacker, identified only as Axel W, was driven by a deep hatred of foreigners and Muslims.


    Medics were unable to save Ms Sherbini who was three months pregnant with her second child. Her three-year-old son was with the family in court when she was killed.

    Axel W and Ms Sherbini and family were in court for his appeal against a fine of 750 euros ($1,050) for insulting her in 2008, apparently because she was wearing the Muslim headscarf or Hijab.

    Newspapers in Egypt have expressed outrage at the case, asking how it was allowed to happen and dubbing Ms Sherbini “the martyr of the Hijab”.

    Senior Egyptian officials and German diplomatic staff attended the funeral in Alexandria along with hundreds of mourners.

    Media reports say Mr Okaz was injured both by the attacker and when a policeman opened fire in the courtroom.

    Story from BBC NEWS:

    Published: 2009/07/06 13:16:31 GMT


  2. Nach tödlicher Messerattacke im Dresdner Landgericht:
    Kundgebung gegen Diskriminierung muslimischer Frauen am
    11.07.2009 in Düsseldorf

    Düsseldorf – Am Sonntag den 11.07.2009 veranstaltet das Islamische Bildungs- und
    Kulturzentrum Braunschweig (IBKB e.V.) erneut eine Kundgebung gegen die
    Diskriminierung muslimischer Frauen vor dem Rathaus Am Marktplatz in Düsseldorf.

    Anlass ist die tödliche Messerattacke auf eine Muslimin, die vor dem Dresdner
    Landgericht als Zeugin gegen den Täter aussagen sollte, der sie vor knapp einem
    Jahr als “Islamistin” und “Terroristin” beschimpft haben soll.

    Im Gerichtssaal war der Angeklagte auf sie losgegangen. Er hat sie vor den Augen
    ihres dreijährigen Sohnes niedergestochen, woraufhin die aus Ägypten stammende
    Frau an ihren Verletzungen starb. Für Muhamed Ciftci, Vorsitzender des IBKB
    e.V., liegt das Motiv der Tat auf der Hand:”Es spricht vieles dafür, dass die
    Tat einen islamfeindlichen Hintergrund hat.”

    Er kritisiert die mangelnde Toleranz gegenüber dem Islam in Deutschland: “Viele
    muslimische Frauen sehen sich mit sozialer Ausgrenzung konfrontiert, nur weil
    sie sich dazu entschieden haben, ein Kopftuch zu tragen. Sie werden in der
    Schule, im Job und im Alltag diskriminiert.”

    Auf der Kundgebung, die am Samstag 11.7.2009 um 17:00 Uhr beginnt, wird auch
    der bekannte Islamprediger und Konvertite Pierre Vogel sprechen. Er verurteilt
    die tödliche Messerattacke von Dresden auf das Schärfste und gibt auch den
    Medien eine Mitschuld – vor allem für die zunehmende Diskriminierung von
    Muslimen in Deutschland. “In den westlichen Medien und im Internet wird zum Teil
    massiv gegen den Islam gehetzt, so dass jeder Muslim, der die Religion
    praktiziert, automatisch als Terrorist sowie als Gefahr für die Gesellschaft
    dargestellt wird”, kritisiert Vogel.

    Die Veranstalter der Kundgebung fordern von der Bundesregierung, die Hetze gegen
    den Islam im Internet zu stoppen und zu verbieten. An die etablierten Medien
    appellieren sie, ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung gerecht zu werden und
    künftig von tendenziöser sowie hetzerischer Berichterstattung über den Islam
    Abstand zu nehmen.”Andernfalls wird die tödliche Messerattacke im Dresdner
    Landgericht wohl kein Einzelfall bleiben, sondern dann wohl nur der erste Fall
    von vielen weiteren, die folgen”, mahnt Vogel.

    Eckdaten zur Kundgebung:
    Thema: Diskriminierung muslimischer Frauen
    Start: 11.07.2009; 17:00 Uhr
    Ort: Am Marktplatz ,Rathhaus, Düsseldorf-Altstadt
    Organisator: IBKB e.V. – Islamisches Bildungs- und Kulturzentrum Braunschweig
    Redner: U.a. Pierre Vogel
    IBKB e.V. – Islamisches Bildungs- und Kulturzentrum Braunschweig
    Hamburger Straße 283
    D-38114 Braunschweig
    Herr Muhamed Ciftci
    Telefon: 0176/63329727
    Fax: 0531/4828832


  3. Pingback: ‘German neo-nazis murdered 152 people’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog


  5. Pingback: Headscarves and soccer | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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