After weddings, US missiles kill Pakistani funeral

This video from Pakistan says about itself:

It seems that USA needs a new country to destroy and Pakistan has become the latest victim in this never-ending so-called “war on terrorism”. Ferocious attacks of US Air Force and Army have began against Pakistan, and as of September 2008, US attacks have killed more than 90 women and children and injured more than 200….how could they ever love USA???

After bombing four weddings … no, a lot more than four weddings … the United States armed forces today attack a funeral.

From Al Jazeera:

Deadly ‘drone attack’ hits Pakistan

A suspected US drone attack on a stronghold of a Pakistani Taliban leader has killed at least 40 people and wounded dozens more in northwest Pakistan, Pakistani intelligence officials have said.

The missile hit a funeral prayer on Tuesday in the South Waziristan tribal region, a stronghold of Baitullah Mehsud.

Al Jazeera’s Kamal Hyder, reporting from Islamabad, said most of those killed were believed to have been attending the funeral for the victims of another drone attack earlier in the day.

“There were unconfirmed reports that the death toll is much higher because a number of the bodies are badly mutilated.”

Potential backlash

Pakistan’s military mounted an operation earlier this month against Mehsud in South Waziristan.

But our correspondent said Tuesday’s attack is likely to cause considerable anger and backlash in the country.

“It may play into the hands of elements like Baitullah Mehsud because the attack took place on a funeral – there are cultural sensitivities here as well, ” Hyder said.

“Such attacks are likely to complicate the situation for the Pakistani military because they have to be equally sensitive to public opinion in that area – something that is not going to be helped by the drones.”

Frequent attacks by pilotless US drone aircraft have been heavily criticised by Pakistani leaders for killing innocent bystanders and infringing upon national sovereignty.

See also here. And here.

From British daily The Guardian:

US missile strike kills 60 at funeral in Pakistan

• Local official says half of the dead were civilians

A US drone on Tuesday fired missiles into a funeral gathering in the Pakistani region of South Waziristan, killing as many as 80 people and maiming dozens more: here.

Sikhs Flee Swat (Pakistan), Seek Refuge in Shrine: here.

Pakistanis turn on Taliban, but resent U.S.: poll: here.

In Pakistan, Those Who Survive Drone Attacks May Well ‘Die Slowly’ in Refugee Camps …by Kathy Kelly: here.

A survey commissioned by Al Jazeera in Pakistan has revealed a widespread disenchantment with the United States for interfering with what most people consider internal Pakistani affairs: here.

6 thoughts on “After weddings, US missiles kill Pakistani funeral

  1. Refugee supplies are running out

    Pakistan: The World Health Organisation has warned that refugee camps in the country risked running out of essential medical supplies within “two to three weeks” if donors don’t deliver more funds soon.

    Shortages of medicine and other supplies heighten the risk that epidemics of cholera, malaria and other infectious diseases could threaten people who fled the army’s ongoing offensive against Islamist militants.

    About two million civilians have been uprooted from their homes in the Swat Valley and surrounding districts since the government launched its offensive under US pressure in April.


  2. Only 9 percent Pakistanis see US as partner: Poll

    Fri, Aug 14 09:27 AM

    Washington, Aug 14 (IANS) Concerned over a new public opinion poll in Pakistan showing that 64 percent Pakistanis see America as the enemy, Defence Secretary Robert Gates says the US must maintain relationships with Pakistan for the long term to build trust.

    The poll saying only 9 percent of Pakistanis see the US as a partner is disturbing to defence leaders, but not surprising, he said during a Pentagon news conference Thursday.


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