US nazi David Duke arrested in Prague

This music video is called Steel PulseKu Klux Klan.

From Associated Press:

Apr 24, 3:57 PM EDT

Former KKK leader detained in Prague

PRAGUE — Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke was detained by police in the Czech Republic on Friday on suspicion of denying the Holocaust.

Police spokesman Jan Mikulovsky said the action was taken because Duke does that in his book “My Awakening,” which is punishable by up to three years in Czech prisons.

Duke traveled to the republic to promote the book’s Czech translation of the book at the invitation of neo-Nazis.

Mikulovsky declined to give any further details, citing an ongoing investigation.

Prague’s Charles University also banned a Duke lecture scheduled there Friday for students taking a course on extremism.

Duke, a resident of Louisiana and a former Republican state legislator there, also was to have given lectures over the weekend in Prague and the country’s second-largest city, Brno.

The KKK is a white supremacist group in the U.S. famous for its oppression of blacks, Jews and other minorities.

According to many people, the name is misspelled. It should be David Puke.

30 thoughts on “US nazi David Duke arrested in Prague

  1. Dr. David Duke arrested for Thought Crimes in the Czech Republic!

    [link to nazi site deleted by administrator. As for the “Dr” it is worth as much as the “Dr” Ron Hubbard of Scientology. Zero]


  2. I can’t believe the nerve of that little country. We do so much for them, and then they arrest an American citizen for doing what comes natural to us? Just enjoying our freedom of speech. Obviously they live under totalitarian dictatorship if they ban political discourse.


  3. Freedom of speech, just like all other freedoms comes with responsibility, though. There are laws, even in such a “small” country, that have to be obeyed. As for all the good America’s done in the world and for little countries such as Czech Republic, the US has come out of most such deals with the upper hand.


  4. Drop the Charges Against Tancredo Protestors Now!

    * Stop the intimidation of student protesters!
    * Jail the Racists, Not Immigrant Workers and their Supporters!
    * No One is Illegal! Solidarity with all Immigrants!

    Sign the online petition:

    Former congressman Tom Tancredo, a national symbol of hate, racism, sexism, bigotry and the scapegoating of immigrants, was invited to speak at UNC Chapel Hill on April 14 by Youth for Western Civilization, a newly-formed white supremacist organization on campus. Many student organizations, including Students for a Democratic Society, organized protests and alternative responses to the event. Campus police violently attacked the demonstration with pepper spray and tasers, dragged two women out of Bingham 103 and threw them to the floor in the lobby, which caused an escalation that led to the event being shut down.

    On Thursday, April 23, one UNC student found police officers waiting outside her class. She was subsequently arrested and questioned, and then charged with “disturbing the peace at an educational institution.” Her court date is May 25.

    These are baseless, trumped up charges intended to save face for UNC Chapel Hill and create a chilling effect on protest. The students have been commended for their actions and have received support from numerous individuals and immigrant rights organizations around the country.

    Speaking out against hate speech and white supremacy is not a crime—the real criminals are Tancredo and the YWC, whose racism serves as a call for hatred and violence against an already vulnerable section of the population.

    Organizers also note that police brutality at the Tom Tancredo protest has not seriously been investigated and demand that the UNC police make public the results of their investigation. In addition, organizers renew their demand for a student review board of police conduct to ensure that any further intimidation of activists ceases.

    Please take action now to support those who have been unjustly targeted for protesting against hate speech—demand that all the charges be dropped now and that action be taken against the police who attacked the demonstrators.

    Here’s what you can do:

    1. Call Chancellor Holden Thorp: (919) 962-1365
    Call Chief of Police Jeffrey McCracken: (919) 966-5730
    Call District Attorney Jim Woodall: (919) 644-4600
    Call UNC System President Erskine Bowles: (919) 962-1000
    Call Dean of Students Winston Crisp: (919) 966-4042
    Call Mayor Kevin Foy: (919) 968-2714

    2. Sign the Petition at

    Petition text:

    TO: Chancellor Holden Thorp, UNC System President Erskine Bowles, UNC Chapel Hill Chief of Police Jeffrey McCracken, UNC Chapel Hill Dean of Students Winston Crisp, Orange County District Attorney Jim Woodall, Chapel Hill Mayor Kevin Foy, members of the media, and others

    I am writing to express my full support of the students who protested against Tom Tancredo at UNC Chapel Hill on April 14.

    All the charges should be dropped immediately. Protesting and speaking out against hate speech, bigotry, and white supremacy is not a crime. The real criminals are the likes of Tancredo and the YWC, whose racism serves as a call for hatred and violence against a large section of the population, a call that is answered by the likes of the Minutemen and other right-wing groups.

    I further demand a full investigation of the actions of the campus police and the violent way that they responded to the protest. I fully support Students and the student protestors’ demand for the immediate creation of a standing student review board to oversee all police conduct on campus and to investigate the police conduct on April 14.

    Drop all the charges now!
    Stop the intimidation of student protestors!
    Investigate and condemn police violence against protestors!
    Protesting hate speech is not a crime!
    No One is Illegal! Solidarity with all Immigrants!

    (Your name)

    Sign the petition online at:


  5. Apr 25, 8:32 AM EDT

    Former KKK leader ordered to leave Czech Republic

    PRAGUE (AP) — Czech authorities have released former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke from detention and ordered him to leave the country.

    Police spokeswoman Katerina Rendlova says Duke must leave the Czech Republic by midnight Saturday after he was detained on suspicion of denying the Holocaust.

    Duke was in Prague on an invitation from a neo-Nazi group to promote the Czech translation of his book “My Awakening.” Police took him into custody Friday on suspicion of denying the Holocaust, which is a crime in the Czech Republic.

    Prague’s Charles University also banned Duke from giving a lecture there Friday. He was scheduled to give lectures over the weekend in both Prague and the country’s second-largest city of Brno.


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  9. Top Republican admits attending KKK rally

    United States: A top Republican has acknowledged that he once addressed a gathering of white supremacists.

    House majority whip Steve Scalise’s aides admitted that he had addressed a group founded by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke when he served in the Louisiana legislature in 2002.

    He is the third-highest ranking Republican in the House of Representatives.

    The aide claimed that that Mr Scalise only spoke to rally support for his fiscal policies, not to endorse his audience’s mission.


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