Suriname, 16th day, to Isadou island

This video says about itself:

While drawing in the Amazon in northern Peru, I’m joined by a helpful Gray-winged Trumpeter. This bird is tame but not captive, lives in the forest and comes and goes as it pleases. It seemed to like art, at least it liked pencils…we nicknamed it, “Birdito”.

Suriname, 18 February.

After yesterday, we will go to the south from Brownsberg today.

In the Brownsberg morning, a red howler monkey chorus. And the sounds of various frog species.

A red-necked woodpecker on a tree (see also video here).

A late bat flying between the rainforest trees, as there is still fog stopping much sunlight.

White-tailed trogon sound.

A giant millipede (see also here).

A blue-headed parrot.

A painted parakeet.

A squirrel cuckoo.

Just after the pickup truck starts its downhill journey on the awful dirt road, grey-winged trumpeter birds.

Screaming piha sounds.

After we arrive in Brownsweg at the foot of the mountain, the road to Atjonie proves to be not really better.

The bus has to stop. Chinese lorries manage to make the road more level by driving across the high spots. We can continue.

13:35 we arrive in Atjoni port on the upper Suriname river.

This is a video about korjaal (Surinamese river boat) traffic on the Suriname river.

From a korjaal, an osprey. A swallow-winged kite. Barn and white-winged swallows.

Spotted sandpipers on rocks in the river.

A swallow-winged puffbird on a tree.

Ringed kingfisher.

We arrive on Isadou island.

Silver beaked tanager. Palm tanager.

On a big rock on the other bank, two pied lapwings.

Giant cowbird.

Green garden lizards.

House wren. Grey kingbird.

On the other bank, a juvenile rufescent tiger-heron. It is drying its wings, so the beautiful water drop like-spots on its wings show. Only many minutes later, it folds it wings, then it flies away.

A bit further, a ladder-tailed nightjar is sleeping on a branch just above the river. An Amazon kingfisher sits on a branch above it.

An hour later, the nightjar is still asleep on the same branch; from where it will fly away after dusk, to catch insects. The pied lapwings are also still there.

A green kingfisher.

Endemic Neotropical Shorebirds: here.

Fast Fact Attack: Endangered Species No. 77 – The Northern Brown Howler Monkey: here.

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4 thoughts on “Suriname, 16th day, to Isadou island

  1. Pingback: Suriname botany online | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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