Blair’s lucrative job with Colombian death squad government

This video is called The Trial of Tony Blair.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Blair under fire for taking job with ‘quasi-fascist’ Colombia ministry

(Friday 16 January 2009)

HUMAN rights campaigners condemned warmongering ex-premier Tony Blair on Friday for taking a lucrative job with the “quasi-fascist” Colombian government.

Mr Blair was asked by Colombia‘s Foreign Ministry to be a consultant to its Foreign Policy Commission after he was awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom with fellow rightwingers Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and former Australian PM John Howard on Tuesday.

Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez claimed that it was good to have “experts” who can suggest possibilities and options for a more active foreign policy.

“We want to have one foreign policy that is more audacious and with greater initiative and acceptance,” he declared.

But Justice for Colombia secretary Liam Craig-Best said that it was not really surprising that President Uribe, “a war criminal responsible for thousands of deaths,” had “chosen to invite his fellow war criminal Tony Blair to advise him.

“If Blair had any decency left in him, he would decline this offer to work with the quasi-fascist regime in Bogota. Unfortunately, I suspect that Blair may not see it that way,” he added.

Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn called Mr Blair’s appointment “sad news” for Colombia.

He “has shown remarkable inaction in the Middle East” in his role as peace envoy there “but still finds time to receive a medal from George Bush,” said Mr Corbyn.

“Colombia would be better served with an elected minister of their own rather than Tony Blair.”

COLOMBIA: Secret Documents Show US Aware of Army Killings in 1990s: here.

Colombian army scandal update, 25 January 2008: here.

20 thoughts on “Blair’s lucrative job with Colombian death squad government

  1. “Quasi-fascist”? You must be another quasi-retard who speaks out their a$$ with absolutely and positively no knowledge whatsoever about Colombia or their government. This is nothing but a disinformation propaganda campaign you’re running here, and which has no basis in truth or reality.

    It’s so-called “journalists” like yourself who should try thoroughly investigating your subject matter and engaging your brain before engaging the keyboard and spewing more of the same propaganda.

    Every single national leader on the planet should take a page from the Uribe playbook and learn how to take a country in shambles and transforming it into a country built on sheer progress.

    Readers take note of the old addage: “Don’t believe everything you read”, because it applies to the “article” here without a doubt. Nothing but regurgitated, baseless propaganda.


  2. All the Uribe propaganda in the world by people like MDP does not change facts like 1) Uribe has been called a major drug dealer in United States government documents. 2) About half of the trade unionists in the world who get murdered, get murdered in Colombia.

    Oh yes, I am not a journalist. I am a blogger. But that difference is probably too subtle for a death squad apologist like you. And “quasi-fascist” is of course a quote from British human rights organizations as quoted by the real journalist (of daily The Morning Star).


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