The Slufter on Texel island and its birdlife

This video says about itself:

De Slufter” is a nature reserve on Texel. It is flooded by the North Sea. Where it is not flooded you can walk through the dunes to the sea.

Sorry for the sound but it was very windy.

Here comes the first one of the two last log entries about Texel island this month.

From De Koog village, we went to the Slufter (sea water inlet), in the north. Along the road, two male pheasants.

In a small lake, shoveler ducks. In a meadow, whinchats. And grey lag geese.

Near a ditch, a purple heron. A bit further, a grey heron.

Shortly after arriving at the Slufter, a great egret.

Redwings crossing a ditch to bushes.

A little egret.

More to the north: spoonbills; avocets; and a spotted redshank.

Still more to the north, a lesser black backed gull. Flocks of dunlin.

Many migratory meadow pipits. A little egret.

Redshanks; shelducks; whimbrels.

Back along the beach; sanderlings and a great cormorant.

5 thoughts on “The Slufter on Texel island and its birdlife

  1. Pingback: Texel island bird news | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Wasp species discoveries, new for Texel island | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Birds of Slufter nature reserve, Texel island | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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