President of Ecuador says Galapagos islands in danger

Galapagos tortoise on Santa Cruz island

From the BBC:

Ecuador‘s President Rafael Correa has declared the Galapagos Islands, home to dozens of endangered species, at risk and a national priority for action.

The islands, Ecuador’s top tourist draw, were suffering an environmental and social crisis, he said. …

“We are pushing for a series of actions to overcome the huge institutional, environmental and social crises in the islands,” Mr Correa said, adding that these problems were the result of years of neglect by previous governments.

He did not detail the measures, but indicated Ecuador would consider suspending some tourism permits, Reuters news agency reported. …

The islands, located some 1,000km (620 miles) off Ecuador’s mainland, are home to an array of species, including giant tortoises, blue-footed boobies and marine iguanas.

Some 20,000 people, working mainly in fishing and tourism, also live there.

The Galapagos Islands inspired naturalist Charles Darwin and helped him develop his theory of evolution.

Last month, several rangers of the ecological reserve in the islands clashed with members of the Ecuadorean Armed Forces over what the rangers say was illegal fishing in protected waters.

The incident provoked an outcry in Ecuador as it illustrated for many the practices which are damaging the site.

Mr Correa announced that a number of military officials had been suspended pending an investigation.

See also here.

And here.

US military activity in Ecuador will stop, and move to Suriname: here.

4 thoughts on “President of Ecuador says Galapagos islands in danger

  1. hi i am 13 years old and i just wanted to say that this animal is amazing.this animal is amazing in all types of ways . this is the biggest tortis i have ever seen.


  2. Pingback: Frog discoveries in Ecuador | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Slow recovery of Galápagos tortoises | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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