US general in Moonie paper: 100-year war without democratic control

Moonie cult publication, cartoon

By Bill Van Auken:

US general issues warning: politics must not interfere with 100-year “war on terror

19 December 2006

One of the Pentagon’s senior uniformed strategists warned last week that the “global war on terror” will go on for another 50 to 100 years and voiced concern that “politics” not be allowed to interfere with the protracted struggle.

The remarks were made by Brig. Gen. Mark O. Schissler, an Air Force commander and the Defense Department’s deputy director for the “war on terrorism.”

He made them in an exclusive interview with the Washington Times, the right-wing daily owned by the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

More Moonies and Washington Times: here.

Moonies, Washington Times, and Cheney’s Iraq war hawks: here.

If the Tea Party Weren’t Bad Enough, Get Prepared for the Return of Rev. Moon(ie): here.

Pentagon on Iraq war: here.

Antisemitism at US air force academy: here.

12 thoughts on “US general in Moonie paper: 100-year war without democratic control

  1. Associated Press reports:

    FRANKFURT, Germany Jul 1, 2005 — A unilateral decision by the United States to indefinitely retain oversight of the Internet’s main traffic-directing computers prompted concerns Friday that the global telecommunications network could eventually splinter.

    “This seems like an extension of American security in the aftermath of 9-11,” said John Strand, a Denmark-based technology consultant. “People will ask: `Do the Americans want to control the Internet?'”

    Washington’s decision, announced Thursday, departs from previously stated U.S. policy.


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