The Great Trans-Atlantic Liquid Terrorist Plot, which wasn’t

Bush and Iraq war, cartoonFrom Blairwatch in Britain:

Remember the great liquid explosives terror plot?

The one that caused chaos in the world’s airports and cost the airlines millions?

The one described by ministers as “Mass murder on an unimaginable scale”. You know, blowing up planes with shampoo.

Yes, that one. The one where the mastermind, Rashid Rauf, the terrorist mastermind was controlling the operation from Pakistan.

Well, the terror charges have been dropped.

Funnily enough, this news hasn’t been published in any UK newspaper.

Craig Murray is on the case with some startling developments in this grotesque attempt to frighten the public with a non-existent plot.

And for this hysteria, breastfeeding mothers and airline passengers carrying shampoo or fluid toothpaste were and are harassed …

Craig Murray was dismissed by Blair as ambassador to Uzbekistan for opposing torture there.

Later, he opposed a massacre of demonstrators there.

Howard Zinn on the ‘War on terror’: here.

From the Google cache of Dear Kitty ModBlog

“Terrorist plot” in The Netherlands solved: hares!

Date: 2/7/05 at 11:41PM

Mood: Laughing Playing: Tortoise and the Hare, by Moody Blues

In November last year, there was big hullabaloo about “terrible eco-terrorism” in the Dutch media.

420 genetically manipulated apple trees had been damaged in Wageningen.

As today’s daily De Telegraaf writes: the Dutch Department of the Environment investigated thoroughly. And they found the culprits: European hares.

7 thoughts on “The Great Trans-Atlantic Liquid Terrorist Plot, which wasn’t

  1. Thanks, Kitty. It does seem kinda spammy, now that I look at it again. 😉 But I’m not selling anything. I’m just looking for people who are interested in more details, more links and so on, about this Rashid Rauf character and his so-called role in this so-called alleged plot. I’ve done a lot of reading and writing about it and you’re welcome to whatever I’ve got. But I won’t hit you up for money LOL.

    You’ve got a really nice-looking blog here, Kitty. Thanks for bringing my previous comment back from the dead. 😉 I’m working on another update on this liquid bomber saga, and I’ll try to keep you posted. Cheers! WP


  2. U.S. wants Canadian airlines to disclose passenger info
    Posted by: “Compañero” chocoano05
    Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:24 pm (PST)
    CBC News
    U.S. wants Canadian airlines to disclose passenger info
    Last Updated: Thursday, October 11, 2007 | 11:35 AM ET
    CBC News

    Canadian airlines flying through U.S. airspace will have to hand
    over the personal data of everyone aboard the plane if a
    U.S.-proposed program comes into effect – even if the
    destination is not in the States.

    But the Secure Flight program, the brainchild of the U.S. Department
    of Homeland Security, has already met swift opposition from the
    organization that represents all Canadian airlines. In a report
    published in Thursday’s Globe and Mail, the Air Transport
    Association of Canada (ATAC) said it was taken aback by the call to
    require Canadian airlines to hand over passenger lists 72 hours
    before departing for destinations that travel in the path of U.S.
    airspace. The requirement to hand over the passenger
    information would stick regardless of whether the plane takes off
    or lands at a U.S. airport, meaning the changes would affect
    Canadian flights to such holiday hotspots as Mexico and
    Cuba. However, in-country flights that only briefly cross U.S.
    airspace (such as Vancouver via Toronto) are excluded. ATAC policy
    vice-president Fred Gaspar told the CBC that the proposal – if
    enacted – could go as far as having U.S. planes intercept and
    ground a Canadian airliner. “Let’s say … that they don’t like the
    person in [seat] 12C,” Gaspar said. “They could then scramble
    fighter aircraft; they could force us to land.” ‘Discussion phase’
    In a statement Thursday, Transport Canada spokeswoman Julia
    Ukrintz said the proposed U.S. legislation was “currently going
    through discussion phase” with Canadian officials. “These are
    continuous conversations and the U.S. has indicated that it does
    value Canadian aviation safety procedure already in place,” she
    said. “The proposed U.S. rule currently exempts 75 per cent of
    flights that overfly the U.S. We are also in discussion with the
    U.S. on the remaining 25 per cent of overflights,” Ukrintz said.
    Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Agency (TSA) wrote that
    the goal of the proposal is to “prevent known or suspected
    terrorists from boarding aircraft where they may jeopardize the
    lives of passengers and others,” according to the Globe. No-fly list
    already in place Still, Gaspar told the CBC the proposal seems out
    of place, since Canada already has its own no-fly list in place –
    a list that was developed, in fact, after close consultation with
    the U.S. government. “The Canadian and U.S. governments have been
    co-operating quite extensively on the development of secure civil
    aviation,” Gaspar said Thursday. “Why would you encourage the
    Canadian government to develop its own no-fly list if you’re now
    saying, ‘Thank you very much, it’s no value for us’?” Under the
    proposal, Canadian airlines would reportedly have to disclose each
    o Full name, as the name appears on his or her passport
    o Date of birth o Gender o So-called “known
    traveller number” (if applicable). The number
    identifies the traveller as someone who the U.S. government has
    already screened and ruled is not a security threat. Although it
    would not be required, Canadian carriers would also be encouraged to
    transmit further details about passengers, including their
    itineraries, with a listing of their departure airport codes,
    airlines, departure/arrival times and arrival airport codes. Gaspar
    said that ATAC has until Oct. 22 to launch a formal objection to the
    proposal. He urged the Canadian government to submit an official


  3. Pingback: Al-Qaeda bomb plot, CIA plot? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: British government clampdown plans on Irish travellers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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