Greek nazi violence again

Greek local councillor Giorgos Tsimpoukakis, wounded by nazis; picture

From Keep Talking Greece blog:

Athens: Unknown Attackers Punch Member of City Council, Destroy Communists’ Elections Stand

Incidents of politically motivated violence seem to increase as the country heads to June 17 elections. According to Greek media information, on Tuesday night, two men with a pitbull on the leash approached the elections stand of Greek communist party KKE and without a reason they threw water and orange juice at the microphones chanting “Communists, you will die.”

People at the square of Agia Paraskevi suburb of North Athens, started to move away from the many election stands there. Giorgos Tsimpoukakis, KKE member of the city council from a left party approached the men demanding explanation for the attack.

Immediately, the men started beating him on the face and the head. The injured and bleeding man fell on the ground while the men fled. The victim was taken to the hospital.

Mayor of Agia Paraskevi, Vasilis Zorbas, who was eye-witness of the incident, told news portal, that the two men were from extreme-right Chrysi Avgi and that the city counselor was beaten most probably with an iron fist.

Also other eye-witnesses said that the men were carrying emblems of Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn).

The news portal cites information according to which the two men had previously destroyed the elections stand of left-wing SYRIZA.

Police is seeking two men with motorbikes…

In a statement issued Wednesday morning, KKE condemns the attack and speaks of “fascistic attack carried out by thugs.”

Greece: University of Athens students speak to WSWS: here.

Britain: The Chancellor said that Greece might need to be sacrificed to save the euro, meaning that throwing Greece to the wolves, would create the massive crisis that was needed, with the euro crashing all round her, for Mrs Merkel to be able to drive through the draconian measures of economic and political union that are deemed to be necessary: here.

15 thoughts on “Greek nazi violence again

  1. Pingback: Euro crisis, workers fight back | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Gay pride march attacked

    GREECE: Police said today that about 50 people had attacked a 400-strong gay pride parade in Thessaloniki on Saturday, throwing eggs and plastic bottles of water.

    In recent days, Anthimos, the senior Greek Orthodox cleric in Thessaloniki, had publicly criticised the parade.

    An annual gay pride rally in the country’s capital Athens normally occurs without incident.


  4. Pingback: Greek minister resigns, again | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Tue 10 Jul 2012

    Greek left unites to march against the fascist Golden Dawn

    by Katarina Thoidou

    Some 2,500 people marched against fascists in Nikaia, Athens, on Thursday of last week. The march saw the biggest mobilisation yet from Pakistani people. And for the first time the whole left came together.

    The Communist Party, the radical left party Syriza and the anti-capitalist Antarsya each played a crucial role in calling and building the protest.

    We marched on the fascist Golden Dawn’s offices and then to the police station. We do not accept that they do not know Golden Dawn is fascist.

    Around 150 fascists protested in a square near our protest, and the police presence was massive. The next day police terrorised immigrants.

    Fourteen local residents—all immigrants—ran to help when the fascists attacked someone’s home. But they were the ones the police arrested. Seven do not have papers—they’re still in jail.

    The police refused to deal with the fascists who attacked people, saying they were too busy. We have now called an open meeting to organise the next steps against the fascists.

    Katarina Thoidou is a journalist for Workers’ Solidarity in Greece. She was one of the main organisers of the anti-fascist protest and stood as local Antarsya candidate in elections


  6. Greek star expelled for racism

    Wednesday 25 July 2012

    OLYMPICS: Triple jumper Voula Papachristou was expelled from Greece’s Olympic team today for her comments on Twitter mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party.

    The Hellenic Olympic Committee said that Papachristou was “placed outside the Olympic team for statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement.”

    Papachristou had been due was to travel to London shortly before the track events start.

    Papachristou’s Twitter account @papaxristoutj contains several retweets and postings of YouTube videos promoting the views of Golden Dawn, a formerly marginal extreme right party that entered the Greek Parliament in the recent two national elections – in May and June this year – by polling almost 7 per cent of the vote.

    But it was her attempt at a joke on Sunday that went viral.

    Commenting on the widely reported appearance of Nile-virus-carrying mosquitoes in Athens, Papachristou wrote: “With so many Africans in Greece, the West Nile mosquitoes will be getting home food!!!”

    Papachristou posted a series of apologetic tweets today, but they were too late to save her from expulsion, while she was condemned by Greece’s Democratic Left party, who released a statement, saying: “Let her make any miserable ‘jokes’ on social media while watching the Games on TV. She definitely cannot represent Greece in London.”


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