Anti racist demonstrations in Italy

This 2012 video is called BBC – Italy: North African migrants and racism.

From AFP news agency:

Thousands of people demonstrated against racism near Rome’s coliseum on Saturday in the wake of a series of violent assaults on immigrants in Italy.

Hundreds of Chinese immigrants were among those who took part in the demonstration, two days after a 36-year-old man from China was beaten up by a group of teenagers in the Italian capital.

Demonstrators also held pictures of six African immigrants who were killed by mafia gunmen on September 18 in the southern town of Castel Volturno.

Meanwhile, another 5,000 people demonstrated against racism in Caserta, near Castel Volturno, ANSA news agency reported.

In Rome, placards were also held up in memory of Abdul Guievre, a 19-year-old Italian of Burkina Faso origin, who was beaten to death with a metal bar by two bar managers on September 14 in Milan.

According to witnesses, the two men shouted racial epithets as they pummelled the victim.

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, during a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday, expressed concern about “worrisome new manifestations of racism” in Italy and Europe.

Gianfranco Fini, the speaker of the lower house of parliament, proposed the creation of a parliamentary panel on racism.

Fini himself of the neo-fascist National Alliance has a record of racism. As the far Right and their coalition allies now have a majority in parliament, it is to be feared that such a panel will be mainly window dressing.

The leader of the leftwing Democratic party, Walter Veltroni, said the fight against racism would be a theme of the opposition’s October 25 demonstration against the government of conservative Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

The problem with Mr Veltroni’s Democratic party is that its policies were hardly “leftwing” while in the administration before the present Berlusconi government. Yes, Italian troops were withdrawn from Iraq. But for the rest, Afghanistan, the US military base in Vicenza, etc., their foreign and military policies were pro Bush; and their economic policies were pro capitalist. Hardly that different from what Berlusconi might have done; thus allowing Berlusconi to return to government. Nevertheless, it is to be hoped that the October 25 demonstration against the Berlusconi government will be a success; also, in the sense that the opposition leaders will learn that they will have to turn strongly to the Left. By the way, 70 years ago, on October 25 Hitler and Mussolini signed the Rome-Berlin Axis Agreement.

See also here on the anti racist demonstrations.

Italian anti Berlusconi demonstration in London: here.

Thousands protest against Berlusconi in Italy: here. Mass protests in Italy to stop cuts: here.

When the Mayor of Rome Rushes to Help Fascism: here.

Growing opposition to Italian government’s xenophobic campaign: here.

Italian migration policy draws fire: here.

Students, teachers and lecturers in Italy are continuing to protest the attacks on the right to education and 130,000 sackings being proposed by the government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi: here.

How Racism Created America’s Chinatowns: here.

7 thoughts on “Anti racist demonstrations in Italy

  1. “Non permetterò l’occupazione delle università. L’occupazione di
    luoghi pubblici non è la dimostrazione dell’applicazione della
    libertà, non è un fatto di democrazia, è una violenza nei confronti
    degli altri studenti che vogliono studiare. Convocherò oggi il
    ministro degli Interni, e darò a lui istruzioni dettagliate su come
    intervenire attraverso le forze dell’ordine per evitare che questo
    possa succedere”

    Chi l’avrebbe mai detto?
    Chi avrebbe mai potuto pensare che dietro le suadenti parole, dietro i
    sorrisi multidentati, dietro l’unanime rocciosità della maggioranza,
    dietro la ministra “competente e affidabile” dovessero sbucar fuori i
    manganellatori, gli uomini con i caschi e gli scudi, i picchiatori in
    Ma non c’era un’Italia unanime e compatta pronta a sostenere il
    governo? Ma non c’erano decine di attendibili sondaggi con percentuali
    bulgare a favore della “riforma”? Ma non c’era una tale unanimità di
    consensi da imbarazzare qualsiasi contestatore?
    Che è accaduto?
    Possibile che sparuti gruppetti di facinorosi e isolati contestatori
    debbano essere accolti e affrontati a manganellate? Possibile che un
    governo “forte”, “autorevole” e “amato” abbia bisogno dei
    manganellatori per difendere da minoritarie contestazioni uno dei suoi
    “fiori all’occhielo”?
    Evidentemente le manganellate dell’informazione di regime non
    bastavano più. Per mesi i media, servi, hanno fatto finta di non
    vedere le contestazioni, di non vedere la rabbia, la frustrazione, la
    determinazione che crescevano nel mondo della scuola e dell’università.
    I media hanno steso una coltre di invisibilità su ogni contestazione e
    manifestazione antigelminiana. Ma adesso non si può più. Gli isolati
    sono diventati fiumana, i facinorosi sono diventati popolo: studenti
    delle superiori e delle università, insegnanti, maestre, professori…
    Evidentemente le manganellate massmediatiche non erano più sufficienti
    e hanno mandato i manganellatori veri.
    E Berlusconi minaccia ritorsioni ancora peggiori contro i contestatori
    del suo governo. Piazza Alimonda torna a popolarsi di fantasmi.


  2. Indiano bruciato in una stazione
    L’aggressione a Nettuno, vicino a Roma, l’uomo e’ gravissimo
    (ANSA) – ROMA, 1 FEB – Un immigrato indiano e’ stato picchiato e bruciato nell’atrio della stazione di Nettuno (Roma). E’ in gravissime condizioni. L’immigrato, 35 anni, era solito dormire nell’atrio della stazione. Gli aggressori prima lo hanno selvaggiamente picchiato poi lo hanno cosparso di benzina e hanno appiccato il fuoco. Le indagini sono svolte dai carabinieri di Anzio che ipotizzano si sia trattato di un’aggressione xenofoba ma non escludono anche una rapina.


  3. Apr 25, 2:12 PM EDT

    Italy marks anti-Nazi uprising amid debate

    Associated Press Writer

    ROME (AP) — Italy commemorated the anniversary of its anti-Nazi uprising Saturday amid a fierce debate over a proposal by Premier Silvio Berlusconi’s conservative forces to honor Italians who died fighting for the fascists.

    The proposed legislation would grant a special honor and pensions to all those who fought in World War II – those who fought for Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini and anti-fascist partisans alike – essentially equating the two.

    The legislation was introduced in parliament’s lower Chamber of Deputies last June, but debate over it intensified Saturday as Italy marked Liberation Day, a national holiday commemorating the anti-Nazi partisan uprising that began April 25, 1945 in the northern part of the country.

    The insurrection ended with Mussolini being shot and strung up outside a Milan gas station, along with his mistress.

    The opposition has tried to block the legislation, supported by the main organization of partisan survivors, the National Association of Italian Partisians, which has called it an “insidious” attempt to pave the way for a new authoritarian regime.

    “It’s one thing to give human respect, but you cannot equate those who fought for the right side and those who fought for a tragically wrong cause,” opposition leader Dario Franceschini said Saturday.

    He called for Berlusconi to have his supporters retract the legislation.

    In his official commemoration remarks Saturday, Berlusconi said Italy had an “inextinguishable debt” to all the partisans and Allies who sacrificed their lives so Italy could be free.

    But he added: “We must also remember today, with respect, all the fallen, even those who fought on wrong side, sacrificing in their lives and their ideals in good faith to a cause that was already lost.”

    Responding to criticism about equating the two, he said: “This naturally doesn’t mean neutrality or indifference,” and asserted that Italians were well aware of who fought for “our liberty, for our dignity and for the honor of our country.”

    But he nevertheless proposed changing the name of the annual April 25 commemoration from “Liberation Day” to “Freedom Day.”

    Berlusconi’s forces have a comfortable majority in parliament. They include the right-wing National Alliance, headed by the former neo-fascist Gianfranco Fini.

    The legislation calls for the creation of a new “Order of the Tricolore” – a reference to Italy’s flag – whose members would be all Italians who fought between 1940-1945. It calls for them to receive pensions based on their rank, and for the order to be headed by the Italian president.


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