Donald Trump violent photo op, satiric video

This 5 June 2020 satiric animated cartoon video by Mark Fiore from the USA says about itself:

Operation Photo Op

And here I thought we wouldn’t have troops on the street until closer to the election. The George Floyd protests have laid bare the underlying horriffic racism that has marred the United States throughout our history. Of course, Donald Trump is definitely not the guy we want in office to help heal our country’s racial wounds.

A perfect storm of Trumpism happened when the administration ordered police and military forces to violently clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park next to the White House, just so Trump could make a show of holding a Bible in front of St. John’s Church. The president finally behaved like one of the autocrats he admires. He’s a wannabe strongman who unfortunately just showed us he has the tools to be an actual strongman.

But it’s not just Trump, Attorney General William Barr, Jared Kushner and Mark Esper are all complicit in this attack on our democracy and their actions should not be laughed off as just “Trump being Trump”. In the United States, this sort of thing is illegal, I only hope our laws catch up with this band of criminals bent on undermining our democracy.

Stay safe, keep fighting for racial justice and watch out for troop deployments.

US cops shot dead black man passed out in a car the same day George Floyd was killed: here.

Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News promotes conspiracy theory that the mass anti-racist demonstrations are not caused by police brutality, but by the ‘Weather Underground’ (defunct in the 1970s): here. Probably, the puppets of anti-Semitic billionaire Rupert Murdoch base that on the fact that, today, there is a meteorological information internet site, called Weather Underground.

2 thoughts on “Donald Trump violent photo op, satiric video

  1. Pingback: COVID-19 infects United States Donald Trump supporters | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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