NATOs ‘new’ Libya, refugees raped

This 1 August 2019 video says about itself:

Held in a Libyan detention centre and raped by one of the guards at the tender age of 17 is the horrid tale that Joy shares of her dreams of going to Europe.

Joy is one of more than 14,000 Nigerians who agreed to return to Nigeria after experiencing horrors in Libya.

Faith has a rather similar story, getting pregnant after being sold into sexual slavery by human traffickers in Libya.

Both women, with a third of the other women returnees, carry with them their children born out of rape. A reminder of their torment in the war-ravaged north African nation but also a light that guided them back home.

“When they come with children that are not wanted. Especially children that have been brought back being raped. Their identity is not there. It’s a lot of trauma for the mothers. We have cases where the mothers are very aggressive to these children,” said Jennifer Ero, National Coordinator of the Child Protection Network. …

Libya still holds a majority of migrants that are too scared to return to their families with the extra mouth to feed. The United Nations estimates that about 60,000 Nigerian migrants are still in Libya.

23 thoughts on “NATOs ‘new’ Libya, refugees raped

  1. Reblogged this on Notes and commented:
    Refugee are already raped by their (shitty) places of birth. What more could have that security guard achieved from raping a 17 years old refugee girl? Maybe 15 minutes of satisfaction, but a lifetime of a regret. That fatherless baby girl will always wonder about her rapist father. Hope this refugee girl never tells her baby how she was born. It shatters a total stranger’s heart (like myself), how’d this (telling) affect a daughter about her biological father? Can’t imagine!


      • I have thought many times of not watching news but always get sucked into them. Its a cruel world out there and I wish there was a little bubble for all of us, safe from all those horrible things. But alas, there’s none. We are all connected. And I wish I could contribute in any way in that poor little girl’s life who will never know who her father was. Thanks for sharing though.


        • Yes, indeed much news is sad news. My personal solution for my blog is: not closing my eyes to it, but publicizing it, so maybe there will be action to stop bad situations. And balancing sad news posts with better news posts.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Sometimes I feel jealous to our forefathers who never had internet, radio, tv and all they knew was only their local town news. Don’t you feel that way? Sorry for being chatty as I have not talked to an adult since morning 🙂 LOL


            • Well, I am not THAT jealous of earlier times. Julius Caesar had half of the people of Gaul killed or abducted as slaves. People of one region in Gaul hardly knew what happened in other regions. And back in Rome, they just heard vaguely that Caesar was supposedly bringing ‘peace’ to faraway lands.

              Only since later historians’ work do we know the full extent of Caesar’s atrocities.

              Liked by 1 person

              • You’re absolutely right about the regions where war happened. However, during the same period, there were some restive and not-so-important little towns whose inhabitants must have enjoyed a life of peace as compared to today’s hoopla all around us. Its human nature it prefers always the past over present or any sort of future. Look at us… if we are old, we miss our youth, if we are young, we miss our childhood. And in childhood, I remember missing my toys that my mom threw out when they were either broken or too old (tissues please). I really miss them and still watch Toy Story (all series over and over) 🙂


                • Yes, I see. But in many small villages in, eg, the Roman empire, ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, the Middle Ages, there were often problems of exploitation and oppression by slave owners, feudal landlords, etc. If peasants in such a village would have had the internet, they might have known much earlier that in some other village, people resisted such exploitation and oppression.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • If that’s the case, then I would be a happy landlord and a slave owner with a difference… being friendly and kind to them. I wonder how back in those days, these atrocities went on without a single example of any such positive-minded individual right in the middle of those ruling class?


                • There are many examples of comparatively good and bad slave owners, landlords, etc.

                  In the 16th century, nobleman Florian Geyer sided with a German peasant uprising.

                  I wrote about 18th-century slavery in Suriname, and capitalism about 1900 in the Netherlands:

                  Playwright Heijermans against capitalism

                  Here, I make a comparison with Surinamese historical novelist Cynthia Mc Leod. In her book on the eighteenth century free black woman Elisabeth Samson, she describes many slave owners who are “evil” persons. And also some slave owners who are “good” people; like Elisabeth and her brother-in-law. However, finally, this difference is not as significant as it seems, because the problem is slavery as a system. For instance, in Mc Leod’s book Elisabeth has the chance of buying an elderly woman, who used to be her plantation slave. Soldiers have captured this ex-slave with maroons; and the old woman may get the death penalty. Elisabeth does not use that chance to save her ex-slave’s life. In literature about nineteenth-century Russia, there are quite some landowners who are not really evil people; however, they still play their assigned role in a society based on exploitation of peasant serfs.

                  Something of this question is put by Heijermans in the character Clementine, the daughter of Clemens Bos. She basically stands for the belief that hard-line capitalism can be reformed into capitalism with a human face. Unlike her father, she is more interested in art than in profit-making. She is interested in (ex) fishermen and their female relatives as subjects for her drawings. She is interested in hearing their “stories”. Kniertje, the fisherman’s widow, replies: “Ah, Miss, fisher folk lives are not stories. They are harshness”.

                  In early 19th century England, Robert Owen, though a factory owner, treated workers well and became a socialist:

                  Capitalist ideology vs. anti capitalist capitalists

                  Liked by 1 person

                • I have experienced the power of money myself by hiring people, remotely in third world countries and always felt like a slave-owner especially when the same thing for which I paid in pennies, it would cost me an arm and length in USA. I don’t think the slavery system has ended. It has only changed its clothing and terminology. The rest is same old, same old. If I may, can you pls. let me know your reason for being anonymous? Just a little curious 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, on anonimity, see my FAQ page:

    Frequently asked questions

    Why is Dear Kitty. Some blog an anonymous blog?

    This blog is anonymous, because:

    A. This blog is not about promoting myself as an individual. It is about things which I see, or read on the Internet, and consider to be interesting.

    B. Because nazis threatening lives have easier work if they know personal details about people whom they may want to kill; as I have experienced.


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