Trump wants Dutch cannon fodder in Syria

This 27 June 2019 video by congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, from the first Democratic party candidates’ debate in the USA, says about itself:

Trump‘s chickenhawk cabinet has led us to the brink of war with Iran

This president and his #ChickenhawkCabinet have led us to the brink of war with Iran. I served at the height of the war in Iraq in 2005, a war that took over 4,000 of my brothers and sisters in uniforms’ lives. The American people need to understand that this war with Iran would be far more devastating and costly than the war in Iraq.

The Pentagon in the USA does not really care about US soldiers getting injured or killed.

However, the Trump administration also wants cannon fodder from other countries to fight their wars. Like more British cannon fodder to Afghanistan.

And now, more Dutch cannon fodder.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

US wants military support by the Netherlands ‘on the ground’ in Syria

The United States wants the Netherlands to provide military support for the new mission in Syria. The US American ambassador in The Hague Pete Hoekstra tells the Volkskrant daily that the Netherlands is being asked for “military means on the ground”.

President Trump announced at the end of last year to withdraw the US military from Syria. “We have defeated ISIS, the only reason for me to be there”, he explained. The decision caused much criticism [by even worse warmongers than Trump] of the Trump government, at home and abroad, including from [the right-wing government in] the Netherlands.

A month later, John Bolton, Trump’s security adviser, said that the US will not leave Syria until ISIS is fully defeated and Turkey can guarantee the security of Kurdish YPG militias.

ISIS, a product of George W Bush’s and Tony Blair’s Iraq war, and of the Saudi absolute monarchy, a key ally of the Pentagon, is a pretext for NATO governments to invade the oil-rich Middle East.

As for Bolton‘s condition for leaving Syria: the Turkish government of autocrat Erdogan will not guarantee the safety of Kurdish militias. It fights bloody battles against them, with support by NATO. They consider the Kurds to be ‘terrorists’. And so do the other NATO governments, Erdogan being their NATO ally.

So, there will not be that Turkish guarantee of safety for Kurds. Certainly not as long as there will be the Erdogan regime in Turkey. And even if Erdogan would fall, and a new Turkish government would stop seeing the Kurds as ‘terrorists’, then Bolton, being Bolton, would find a new pretext to keep war in Syria continuing.

Hoekstra emphasizes that military support is necessary for this. “It is not a reconstruction mission.” …

According to Hoekstra, no new UN mandate is needed for the mission.

7 thoughts on “Trump wants Dutch cannon fodder in Syria

  1. Pingback: Donald Trump’s Iraq war to ‘grab oil’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Brief HVB

    Het Humanistisch Vredesberaad (HVB) heeft zich in een brief gewend tot premier Rutte en Minister Blok van Buitenlandse Zaken met het dringende verzoek niet te voldoen aan de wens van de Verenigde Staten een of meer oorlogsschepen naar de Straat van Hormuz te zenden. 22 andere vredesorganisaties deden dit al eerder.

    Het HVB voert hiertoe aan dat de huidige crisis in dit gebied is voor een belangrijk deel veroorzaakt is doordat president Trump het met Iran gesloten nucleaire akkoord (JCPOA) eenzijdig opgezegd heeft, terwijl de Europese Unie dit akkoord juist wil handhaven. En dat de nieuwe Amerikaanse sancties tegen Iran de situatie ernstig verscherpt, tegen de bedoeling in van Nederland en de EU. Iran had zich gehouden aan het akkoord, dat is bevestigd door Internationaal Atoomenergiebureau (IAEA).

    Er wordt verder op gewezen dat de voormalige directeur-generaal van het IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, winnaar van de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede, gewaarschuwd heeft dat de huidige situatie erg lijkt op de omstandigheden vlak voordat de oorlog tegen Irak begon.

    Volgens het HVB kan het niet op de weg van Nederland liggen de VS van dienst te zijn bij activiteiten die de spanning met Iran onnodig doen toenemen. En kunnen Nederland en de EU een positievere rol spelen door steeds weer een beroep op de Verenigde Staten te doen het akkoord met Iran alsnog te eerbiedigen.

    Bron: HVB Via de Vredeslijst 06-08-2019


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  6. Pingback: Ugandans as Trump’s cannon fodder in Iraq | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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