Anti-Conservative government march, Birmingham, England tomorrow

A People's Assembly protest where tins of food were stacked outside Downing Street 10 last year

This photo from Britain shows a People’s Assembly protest where tins of food were stacked outside the residence of British Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May at Downing Street 10 last year.

By Marcus Barnett, Friday, September 28, 2018:

‘Britain at breaking point,’ People’s Assembly warns on eve of Birmingham protests

BRITAIN is “at breaking point,” anti-austerity campaigners are warning as thousands prepare to march through Birmingham tomorrow.

Birmingham demonstration

People will be rallying from noon on Victoria Square in Birmingham city centre to protest against the Conservative Party’s annual conference.

The demands include a £10-an-hour minimum wage, an end to privatisation in public services and an end to tax avoidance.

The TUC’s Midlands regional secretary Lee Barron welcomed the demonstrators to Birmingham and called for a “different approach” to the economy before “there is nothing left for future generations.

“Rather than running services into the ground, we should view our public services as key assets, not only helping people but strengthening the economy.

“Instead of yet more cuts, we should fund them at the level needed to deliver a decent service.

“This will provide a civilised quality of life for everyone in the UK and will help generate the stronger growth our economy needs.”

The march comes as a report from the Labour Party has revealed that the government is the “most divided government ever.”

The report shows that a third of Conservative MPs — over 100 in number — have publicly criticised either a colleague or Tory policy in the past year, with 80 per cent of these attacks being specifically directed at Theresa May.

Eighty-three MPs have criticised the Prime Minister and her agenda — well above the threshold of 48 that is needed to trigger a leadership contest.

The report also highlights the Tories’ stark regional divisions and the huge contrast between their parliamentary and municipal representatives.

Labour’s shadow communities and local government secretary Andrew Gwynne said that “the Tories’ endless infighting and political posturing poses a very real danger to Britain’s future and to communities across the country.

“British people deserve better. Only Labour stands ready to take charge, and start the work of rebuilding and transforming our country, for the many not the few.”

People’s Assembly national secretary Sam Fairbairn said that the report showed that the Tories have “lost the ability to govern the country.

“Our society is at breaking point and this government must be forced out of office before it’s too late.

“Before our public services grind to a halt, before ordinary people can continue no more, before this government robs us of a decent standard of living.

“We won’t stop protesting, striking and demonstrating until we have a government which puts the needs of people first over the needs of the greedy corporations.”

The Tory austerity agenda must be brought to an end, by LEE BARRON.

Tory Party Conference ’18 ‘Tory cuts kill,’ yell disabled activists as Theresa May prances on stage. DPAC activists protest against the Tories’ cruel austerity policies that have driven disabled people to death and suicide: here.

Tory Party Conference ’18. Tory conference shows a party in meltdown. Rather than attacking Labour’s leader, stealing its policies, and attacking each other, the Conservatives should just call an election, says TOM HINCHCLIFFE.

Prime Minister Theresa May ended the Conservative Party conference with a speech that reeked of desperation, appealing for unity with her “hard-Brexit” opponents to avert the danger of a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn: here.

A storm is coming for the political Establishment. The challenges of Brexit and a Tory Party in chaos mean it’s crunch time for the left, writes KEVIN OVENDEN.

3 thoughts on “Anti-Conservative government march, Birmingham, England tomorrow

  1. Pingback: ‘Grenfell’ flammable cladding, continue, British Conservatives say | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Protest against British Conservatives | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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