British anti-Semite still Conservative candidate

This 25 April 2018 video from the USA about Britain is called Tory Council hopeful George Stoakley ‘made offensive tweets’.

After the open neo-nazi Arthur Jones who is the Republican party congressional candidate in Illinois, USA … now this from England.

By Lamiat Sabin:

Friday, April 27, 2018

Anti-semitic Tory candidate George Stoakley to remain on ballot paper despite suspension from party

A CANDIDATE in next week’s local elections will remain on the ballot paper despite being suspended by the Conservatives over his offensive tweets, including anti-semitic, homophobic and misogynistic slurs.

George Stoakley – who has now switched his Twitter account to private – is standing in the Fen Ditton and Fulbourn ward of Cambridge in the May 3 election.

In July 2013, he made a reference to Anne Frank’s family hiding from the nazis by writing that he was “sweating like a Jew in an attic.”

In another of the tweets from 2013 and 2014 that were unearthed by a prospective voter, he insulted a girl who became a mother at the age of 12, branding her a “dirty little slag” who should have her baby taken away.

On the subject of Aids, he wrote: “Some people call it Aids, I just call it weaponised semen.”

Another tweet reads: “I wouldn’t mind having Jeremy Kyle’s job, shouting at chavs all day doesn’t sound too bad.”

He also posted that a girl was “a faggot” for filming the X Factor final on her phone.

The 23-year-old – whose Twitter and Facebook profile pictures show him posing with a baby – describes himself in his biography as a “libertarian Conservative”.

Also among the tweets – all reportedly now deleted – he called for a relaxation of firearms laws and said hand guns should be legalised.

Last October, in a stunning display of hypocrisy, Mr Stoakley retweeted a post written by a user named Dan that condemned Sheffield Hallam MP Jared O’Mara, who was suspended by Labour, just months after being elected, over sexist comments he made online at the age of 22.

The retweeted post reads: “I’m 22. Wouldn’t dream of making posts like that. You’re defending him because he’s Labour. Stop.”

Mr Stoakley, a logistics co-ordinator at a Cambridgeshire homeware firm, is still listed by South Cambridgeshire District Council as one of the three Tory candidates standing in the ward.

A Conservative Party spokesman told the Star that he has now been suspended, but the Electoral Commission confirmed that he cannot be deselected and his name will appear on the ballot paper because the statement of persons nominated has already been published.

Cambridge Labour MP Daniel Zeichner said: “I would always, of course, urge people to vote Labour. The reported views [of Mr Stoakley] do not reflect the values of decent people in Cambridgeshire, and I hope people will vote accordingly.”

A Cambridge Unite Against Fascism spokesperson said: “It appears from his other comments that Mr Stoakley’s privileged position has allowed him to take on a whole raft of prejudices against those less fortunate than he.

“We expect the Conservative Party to deal with this vile bigotry with the same persistence with which they have pursued the small number of cases of much less severe anti-semitism on the left.”

Mr Stoakley’s Facebook profile is largely private, but the Star has seen – despite his anti-Jewish and homophobic views – that he “likes” the groups Christians United for Israel and LGBT+ Conservatives.

He has also liked far-right pages such as those of French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party, the English Democrats and the British Democrats.

Also on his list of likes is a group called Justifying Completely Inappropriate and Unacceptable Behaviour as Banter.

Britain: A Conservative council candidate who called for gay people to face the death penalty has been suspended. In a now-deleted 2005 blog post, Matthew Clarke cited death as “one penalty in the Bible” for homosexuality: here.

Tories under pressure to sack local councillor who shared racist joke. Labour urged Theresa May to intervene personally over Tory councillor who posted comments comparing Asian people to dogs: here.

Corbyn: ‘People who use anti-semitic poison do not do it in my name or the name of my [Labour] party’: here.

An anti-Semitic songwriter who compared Auschwitz to a ‘theme park’ and mocked the murder of Anne Frank in ‘disgusting’ songs shared on YouTube today lost an appeal against her conviction. Alison Chabloz, 53, who arrived at Southwark Crown Court wearing a ‘white pride’ badge with links to neo-Nazi groups and the Ku Klux Klan, had her case thrown out by a judge. Chabloz had caused disgust by making music videos with lyrics that claim the Jewish community have exaggerated or made-up claims about the Holocaust: here.

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