British trade union march, 13 May

This video from Britain says about itself:

9 June 2017

The General Election 2017 revealed a real hunger for change for ordinary working people.

Now that workers have spoken, it’s time for politicians to act.

We need a new deal for working people.

The TUC is a federation of 50 unions and their members. We are the voice of workers in Britain.

For more information visit:

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Labour movement prepares for TUC march

TRADE unionists are gearing up for a major TUC-organised march and rally this spring.

The New Deal For Working People demonstration on Saturday May 13 will call for more and better jobs as well as a more equal society.

Announcing its support, public-sector union GMB pointed out that, in the last decade, workers across all industries have faced a rapid growth of precarious, casual work, often badly paid or on zero-hours contracts.

London regional secretary Warren Kenny said: “Fair and balanced employment practices and laws have been hard fought-for over many decades.

“They exist to protect working people from inequality, bullying and to provide them with the most basic rights anyone should be entitled to expect.”

Marchers will assemble on the Embankment between Hungerford Bridge and Blackfriars Bridge from 11am, before moving off at noon to march to Hyde Park. There the rally will take place, finishing at 4pm.

1 thought on “British trade union march, 13 May

  1. Pingback: “British trade union march, 13 May” | Dear Kitty | COMRADE BOYCIE: VIVA THE ANTI-tORY / BIG BROTHER REVOLUTION!

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