United States Clintonite Democrats sabotage progressive candidates

This 25 January 2018 video from the USA says asbout itself:

Centrist Democrats

‘Centrist’ is often an euphemism for right-wing.

Are Undermining Progressive Candidates

According to a major new report, the Democratic Party leadership is undermining progressive candidates and backing wealthier, centrist hopefuls that are following a failed strategy. We speak to The Intercept’s Lee Fang.

Prominent Democratic Fundraisers Realign to Lobby for Trump’s Agenda: here.

CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATS DECLINE TO ENDORSE [Clintonite] DIANNE FEINSTEIN FOR RE-ELECTION Her primary opponent Kevin de León said it was “an astounding rejection of politics as usual.” [HuffPost]

14 thoughts on “United States Clintonite Democrats sabotage progressive candidates

  1. Pingback: United States Clintonite Democrats sabotage progressive candidates This 25 January 2018 video from the USA says about itself: | Indiĝenaj Inteligenteco

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  4. He’s anti-choice. He voted against the Dream Act and Obamacare. He opposes gay marriage.

    He is Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski, who’s voted with Donald Trump more than almost any other member of his party–and he’s got to go.1

    Lipinski is from a solidly-blue Chicago district that overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton, a district that deserves a true progressive.2 But as an entrenched incumbent, he has a ton of money and support. With four days to go until the primary, the race is still too close to call.

    Will you chip in $5 to UltraViolet PAC to help replace candidates like anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ Dan Lipinksi with progressives like Marie Newman?

    Lipinski, who took his father’s place in Congress, has skated by without a primary challenge for years–propped up by his family name and old-school machine politics.

    Not this year. Marie Newman, who has endorsements from Bernie Sanders and a raft of progressive groups, has a real shot at winning. And whoever wins the primary is a shoo-in in the general election.

    A new head-to-head poll shows Newman neck and neck with the incumbent.3 But when voters learn about Lipinski’s record, their support for him plummets even further–so if we can get the word out, we can win.4

    We can do this, but the election is only days away. We need your help NOW.

    Will you chip in $5 to UltraViolet to help elect Marie Newman and progressives like her?

    Thank you for stepping up.

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Lindsay, Pam, and Ryan, the UltraViolet PAC team



    1. Tracking Congress In The Age Of Trump, FiveThirtyEight, accessed March 16, 2018

    2. Partisan Voting Index Districts of the 115th Congress, Cook Political Report, accessed March 16, 2018

    3. New poll shows progressive Democrat Marie Newman could beat Blue Dog Rep. Dan Lipinski in primary, Daily Kos, March 6, 2018

    4. Newman Leads Lipinski By Five Points In Democratic Primary: Poll, Oak Lawn Patch, January 13, 2018


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