British historian banned in Ukraine for mentioning anti-Semitic massacre

This video says about itself:

Savchenko called Jews … in Ukrainejudes” on air – English subtitles

29 March 2017

Ukrainian MP Nadiya Savchenko said that she doesn’t identify herself as antisemite, however she doesn’t like “judes”. Savchenko told that on air of 112 Ukraine TV channel on March 25 during her interview with Dmitry Gordon.

Right-wing Ms Savchenko used to participate in the war in eastern Ukraine as a member of the neofascist Aidar batallion. She names as her heroes Chilean dictator Pinochet and Margaret Thatcher.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Ukraine prohibits book by prominent British historian Antony Beevor

Today, 13:41

The British writer and historian Antony Beevor has reacted indignantly to a ban on one of his books in Ukraine. The country has blacklisted the Russian translation of his world-famous book on the Battle of Stalingrad, because it contains a passage about a Ukrainian [nationalist allies of nazi Germany] crime during the Second World War. 30,000 books have been banned from entering the country.

According to the director of the Ukrainian authority on the media, the book is banned because Beevor tells how a Ukrainian militia killed ninety Jewish children. “That’s a provocation,” said director Oliyinyk against Radio Free Europe.

According to Oliyinyk, people have never been convicted for that act of war. “When we looked at his sources, we discovered that he had used the Ministry of the Interior of the Soviet Union as a source.” This was reason enough for the regulator to submit the book to a panel of experts, which confirmed the legality of the ban. “We are very pleased with that”, says the director.

In 2016, Ukraine adopted a law restricting the import of books from Russia if they contain ‘anti-Ukrainian’ texts. A team of ‘experts’ assesses which books may and may not be imported.

The historian himself denies to the radio station that he used Soviet sources for his book. He states that the source was a book by the highly respected German anti-Nazi officer Helmuth Groscurth. “He wrote to his wife at that time about this crime, so shocked was he about what he had seen”, says Beevor, who demands apologies from Oliyinyk.

The writer still wants his book to be on Ukrainian shelves.

“It’s utterly outrageous that this is happening. … This ban is pretty depressing from the point of view of Ukraine itself – they want to show themselves as being so much more democratic than Russians to the north and then they’re doing this”, he told The Guardian.

16 thoughts on “British historian banned in Ukraine for mentioning anti-Semitic massacre

  1. Pingback: Stop persecution of Ukrainian anti-war journalist | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: British neonazi planned homophobic massacre | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Monday, February 12, 2018

    Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Ukraine police assault on newspaper and radio hub

    THE Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has condemned a police rampage at the offices of Ukrainian media company Vesti.

    Officers stormed the premises of the company, which publishes the largest daily newspaper by circulation in Ukraine and broadcasts a popular radio station, on Thursday.

    Editor-in-chief Oksana Omelchenko said around 50 officers from the main military prosecutor’s office and representatives of the anti-corruption agency Arma broke into the building, accompanied by unidentified thugs wearing balaclavas.

    Windows and equipment were smashed and police searched journalists’ personal effects. The newspaper staff say no warrant was at any point shown.

    Vesti has previously rattled Arma by investigating its activities. Tasked with recovering assets obtained through corruption, the agency has been accused of targeting officials of the previous Viktor Yanukovych presidency for political reasons.

    The company has been repeatedly harassed by Ukrainian authorities, including with a bid to deny renewal of its broadcasting licence last year that attracted criticism from the International Federation of Journalists.

    Prosecutor-general Yuri Lutsenko vowed at the new year to take action to block the publication of the newspaper, which Kiev regards as pro-Russian.

    “There is no justification for the hostile raid by Ukrainian law enforcement against Media Holding Vesti, which appears to be part of an ongoing campaign of harassment against the critical outlet,” CPJ Europe and Central Asia programme co-ordinator Nina Ognianova said.

    “We call on Ukrainian authorities to explain their forced entry, return property taken and stop harassing Media Holding Vesti so that its journalists can resume their work.”


  4. Ukrainian miners strike over unpaid wages

    Some 10,000 Ukrainian coal miners began strike action last week over unpaid wages. They work for the state-owned Selydove Coal at four mines around the town of Novogrodika, just outside of an area controlled by Russia-backed separatists.

    Hundreds of pickets were at the gates of the mines to ensure only necessary maintenance workers entered the pit. The workers said they have not been paid since December.

    Around 25 percent of the arrears were paid following the intervention of the Ukrainian finance ministry. However, money for 2018 has not been paid, amounting to some US$18.5 million. “We were given part of our money, but it’s just throwing dust in our eyes,” one miner told Agence France-Presse.

    A delegation of miners travelled to Kiev hoping to meet Igor Nassalyk, minister for energy and coal mining.

    There are some 150 coalmines in Ukraine, mostly located in the Donbass region in the east. Two thirds of the mines are in areas controlled by separatists.


  5. Hungary summons Ukrainian ambassador over racist arson attack

    HUNGARY has summoned the Ukrainian ambassador to warn of rising “extremism” in the former Soviet state after the second attack on a cultural centre in a month.

    The headquarters of a Hungarian cultural association in Uzhhorod, capital of Ukraine’s western Transcarpathia region, was set alight yesterday.

    Most of the ground floor was razed in the blaze. A previous Molotov cocktail attack on February 4 caused minor damage.
    Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto blamed the rise of “extremist political views” putting Hungarians at risk.

    More than 100,000 ethnic Hungarians live in western Ukraine. Mr Szijjarto blamed laws adopted since the far-right Maidan coup of 2014 that “severely restrict the rights of minorities” for an atmosphere that is “intimidating members of the national Hungarian minority of Transcarpathia.”

    Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania all protested over Ukraine’s adoption of a law last autumn forcing all educational institutions to teach exclusively in Ukrainian. The law was mainly aimed at native Russian speakers, who make up about 30 per cent of Ukraine’s population, but a number of ethnic minorities are also losing schools that teach in their own languages.

    Though CCTV showed an individual putting a “bag of explosives” through the window, Transcarpathian regional spokesman Yaroslav Glas said it was “not known” who this was, adding that the attack was “obviously” a provocation by Russian agents.

    He said that police had been instructed to protect the building following the February 4 attack, prompting the Communist Party of Ukraine to accuse the law of “shutting its eyes” in the face of racist violence.


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  12. Rioting from November 21-23, 1918, primarily by ethnic Poles and encouraged by Polish armed forces, left scores of Jews dead in Lvov, the largest city of Galicia, in what is now western Ukraine.

    Lvov had been a multi-ethnic city of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, comprised of Poles, Ukrainians, Germans, Jews, Roma, and others who lived relatively peaceably until the first imperialist war. Pogroms against Jews had been carried out by the Tsarist military when Russian troops occupied the city in September 1914.

    With the disintegration of the Tsarist Army during the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the defeat of Austria-Hungary the following year, Lvov became a central focus of contending nationalist aspirations in the Polish-Ukrainian War of 1918-19 after an independent Polish capitalist state was established under Marshal Joseph Pilsudski.

    Nationalist forces had emerged in Ukraine during the Russian Revolution and had enjoyed German support after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918, under which the Bolsheviks had been forced to cede Ukraine to the Germans. Although the Ukrainian forces were driven out of Lvov by the Poles in November, they continued to besiege and shell the city until 1919.

    The pogrom lasted three days, with the participation of civilians, including Polish criminals whom retreating Austro-Hungarian troops released from prison. Polish soldiers and civilians of other nationalities also participated. One historian notes, “Incidents of violence and pillaging continued for weeks.”

    The year 1918 had seen a wave of anti-Jewish pogroms in Galicia. The Jews in Lvov had formed a defensive militia and declared neutrality in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict, but it was disarmed by the Polish Army. According to some accounts, the Polish commander of the occupying forces had issued anti-Semitic pamphlets. Some Jewish survivors told investigators that Polish soldiers said that they had been allowed 48 hours of license in the Jewish quarter. Polish mobs looted Jewish stores and homes and raped Jewish women.

    The events were widely reported in the European and American press at the time, and American President Woodrow Wilson appointed a commission to investigate the incident.


  13. Pingback: Fighting anti-Semitism in Ukraine | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  14. Pingback: Ukrainian censorship of winning Eurovision singer | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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