No training in dictatorial Dubai, fans persuade football clubs

This 14 August 2015 video shows relatives of conscripts from the United Arab Emirates, forced by the absolute monarchy to participate in the bloody Saudi war on Yemen, crying after their loved ones come back dead from Yemen.

And now, about Dubai, one of the emirates of the UAE.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Rosenborg cancels training camp in Dubai after criticism by supporters

Today, 14:24

Rosenborg BK turns back the plans to go to training camp in Dubai in January. On Monday the board of the Norwegian soccer club still agreed with the controversial trip, but after criticism from supporters the club canceled that one day later.

After the announcement of the trip, a storm of criticism broke out among supporters. The official supporters club [Kjernen] called it ‘disgusting’ that the club wants to commit itself to a city-state that is part of the United Arab Emirates, a country that is associated with violation of human rights such as exclusion of homosexuals and discrimination of women. …

Managing Director Tove Moe Dyrhaug said “This tells us that we have to take more timer, this time we had made the wrong decision.” …

The national champion of the Norwegian league is not the only club that has canceled a training camp in Dubai as a result of criticism. Earlier, the Swedish club Malmö FF turned the plans back after fierce criticism from the club’s supporters. “We do not think the club should sponsor a state that punishes homosexuals and slaves”, was the reaction of the official supporters club last winter.

Men’s Football: Guardiola’s solidarity with Catalonia calls into question him ignoring the abuse of UAE citizens: here.

2 thoughts on “No training in dictatorial Dubai, fans persuade football clubs

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