Big London Tories Out demonstration, videos

This video from London, England today says about itself:

London Streets Jam Packed For #Toriesout Protest Rally.

Here’s another video on it.

Newly Married Couple Celebrates By Joining #ToriesOut Protest Rally in London.

This video from London, England says about itself:

Captain Ska Performs Liar Liar Live At #ToriesOut Protest Rally In London

This video from London, England says about itself:

1 July 2017

As thousands of #ToriesOut protesters make their way through London chanting Oh, Jeremy Corbyn and Justice For Grenfell.

This video from London, England says about itself:

1 July 2017

Labour Party parliamentary leader Jeremy Corbyn, full speech

After marching through Oxford Circus and Regents Street, the crowd gathered in a packed Parliament Square to hear the Labour leader and other politicians and union leaders speak.

Protesters carrying banners and placards, many of which focused on the Grenfell Tower disaster and cuts to public services, sang the now infamous “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” chant as they marched.

Corbyn told the crowds in Westminster: “We are the people, we are united and we are determined, we are not going to be divided or let austerity divide us. We are increasing in support and we are determined to force another election as soon as we can.”

Corbyn also rounded on the Tories for this week raising hopes the public sector pay cap would be lifted, before later voting against a Labour amendment to the Queen’s Speech to scrap the 1% ceiling.

In reference to the Tories’ deal with the DUP, he said: “I say to any public sector workers in Northern Ireland or anywhere else – don’t have any illusions in these people, when they started the austerity programme they meant it and they meant it to carry on and carry on.”

He then went on to slam the “hypocrisy” of Tory MPs who praised the work of the emergency services dealing with Grenfell Tower and the recent terror attacks.

“The utter hypocrisy of government ministers and others who queued up in the chamber over there in the House of Commons to heap praise on the emergency services, the following day to cut their wages by refusing to lift the pay cap,” he said. “The hypocrisy is absolutely unbelievable.”

Earlier, the anger and rising tensions in the weeks since the general election and the Grenfell blaze appeared to give way to a carnival atmosphere, with people blowing whistles while percussionists and other musicians joined in.

When the march reached Parliament Square, a minute’s silence was held “in memory and respect” to the victims of Grenfell Tower. Tributes were also paid to the emergency services who responded to the fire with a minute’s applause.

9 thoughts on “Big London Tories Out demonstration, videos

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