Indiana, USA barred owl nest webcam

This April 2016 video shows there were owlets in the Indiana, USA barred owl nest then.

From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in the USA today:

Deep in the suburban wilds of central Indiana, the Wild Birds Unlimited Barred Owls have returned for a fourth year on cam. Nestled beneath the down feathers of the female owl are three white eggs, with hatching likely to happen around the end of the first week of April. For the last three years, the owls have had great success raising their young, fledging a total of eight owlets from eight eggs. Watch cam.

What to watch for: During the day you can listen to the sounds of spring arrive to the forests as the female incubates her eggs. At night, watch as the male owl delivers a steady stream of interesting prey items (like this crayfish) to the nest box and listen for the owls’ classic “whoo-cooks-for-you?” hooting duets. After hatching, it takes only 4 to 5 weeks for the owlets to transform from close-eyed, downy fluffballs to fierce, sometimes clumsy youngsters before setting out to explore the world.

Share what you see and hear with us on the cam‘s Twitter feed, @WBU_Owls, and join us in learning more about these secretive and adaptable predators.

2 thoughts on “Indiana, USA barred owl nest webcam

  1. Pingback: Barred owlets hatching on webcam today? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Baby barred owl born, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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