Bird photography contest in the USA

This video says about itself:

Canon: Bird Photography with Arthur Morris: Arthur’s Gear Bag

13 January 2015

From cameras and lenses to apparel and accessories, see what gear renowned wildlife photographer Arthur Morris brings with him on a typical trip and why.

From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in the USA:

Photo Contest Is Underway: Enter or Vote Now

Our annual photography contest, Home Tweet Home, is underway. Submit up to four photos by July 31 for chances to win birdy prizes, like an HD nest-box camera, nest box, bird feeder, and swag from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. You need not be a photographer to participate; visit the contest website and vote for your favorite photos. Share with your friends, and help determine the winners in each of the four categories: Beautiful Eggs, Best Nest, Cutest Baby, and Feeding Time. Winning entries will be announced in our August eNewsletter. Good luck to all of our Home Tweet Home contestants! See official rules for details.

Also from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:

We love how new technology is so rapidly adopted by bird watchers to further their passions. High-def security cameras now watch over nesting birds, remotely-controlled drones monitor seabird colonies from the air, and inexpensive adapters turn smartphones into high-powered cameras. All of these new toys help us monitor birds while keeping a safe distance, but the latest and greatest “accessory” is one that has really split public opinion.

It’s called the “selfie stick,” a socially-provocative telescoping pole that remotely triggers your cell phone to take a picture of you and your friends (a.k.a., a “selfie”). Got a nest that is just out of reach? Selfie stick to the rescue! Snap a photo of the nest so you can count the eggs or nestlings. Some models can extend up to 32′ (10 m) and most allow for adjusting the angle of the camera. The devices use Bluetooth technology, or your camera’s timer, and work with a wide variety of smartphone models.

We credit this idea to Jeff Kozma, who is researching Gray Flycatchers in Washington. Jeff shared his photos with our Home Tweet Home contest, so you can see for yourself how it works. NestWatchers often ask how to report nests that are too high to see into, and the compact, portable selfie stick is one tool that can potentially help with this problem—no more taking a ladder into the field! And if anyone judges you for owning one, just tell them, “It’s for research.”

8 thoughts on “Bird photography contest in the USA

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  8. M’n vriendin Aafke woont hier niet al te ver vandaan en had deze week
    een Merlin Falcon op haar hek. Haar kleine tuintje is nog geen 4 bij 4
    meter en ze kon de foto van haar huiskamer maken. Nu hebben we wel
    ongewoon weer zo ik weet niet of het daardoor komt. Ze had verleden
    jaar al eens een roofvogel gehad die een vogeltje uit haar tuin pikte
    , ze dacht toen dat het een jonge havik was maar deze kon ze
    fotograferen. We hadden wel meer dan een week min 22 en kouder in
    Januari en verleden week de records van PLUS 14 op woensdag en PLUS 10
    op donderdag en heel veel sneeuw is al gesmolten. Het is nu rond nul en
    het sneeuwt.

    Groetjes Jeff en Marja Edmonton Canada.

    Nico: Ja, het lijkt me ook een smelleken, veel andere kleine valkjes
    heb je niet in Canada. De smellekens hier komen nooit in een
    achtertuin. In mijn “Birds of North America” las ik dat smellekens in
    Noord Amerika en Canada regio wel in tuinen en steden overwinteren, dus
    dat klopt wel!


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