United States Donald Trump administration news

This video from the USA says about itself:

229 Republicans Vote to Hide Trump’s Tax Returns

1 March 2017

The US House of Representatives passes a bill 229-186 on party lines to uphold the decision made by Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) to conceal Donald Trump‘s tax returns.

Read more here.

Wall Street soared to record highs as media commentators praised Trump’s speech [to the United States Congress], which promised tax cuts for businesses, the slashing of workplace and anti-pollution regulations, and a massive military build-up: here.

The US and South Korean militaries yesterday began their annual joint Foal Eagle war games, which entail large-scale drills of land, sea and air forces over the next two months. The related Key Resolve, a largely-computer simulated exercise, will be conducted from March 13 to 23: here.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, encouraged by the Trump administration, are sweeping up growing numbers of undocumented workers in “collateral” arrests: here.

Immigration under capitalism: Life and death along the US-Mexico border: here.

USA: Study Finds Right-Wing Media Routinely Criminalize Immigrants In Coverage. Skewed Portrayals Have Dangerous Effects In Politics: here.

On Thursday, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo rescinding an order by the Obama Justice Department aimed at reducing government reliance upon for-profit prisons. Immediately upon the memo’s issuance, stocks for private prison companies soared; stock prices for GEO Group, which contributed $225,000 to Trump’s election campaign, saw its stocks increase by 40 percent: here.

WHITE HOUSE WANTS TO CUT 1 IN 5 EPA EMPLOYEES, SLASH A QUARTER OF ITS FUNDING The fiscal year 2018 budget also proposes “axing funding for a vast array of programs, including those aimed at low-income people, minorities and indigenous groups.” [HuffPost]

7 thoughts on “United States Donald Trump administration news

  1. Pingback: Odebrecht corruption scandal and Peru | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Do you want to get under Trump’s skin? How about driving a truck around his house carrying a billboard with thousands of names of people standing up to his racist, anti-woman agenda?

    On March 8th—International Women’s Day—women across the country and around the world will walk out of work and into the streets as part of a massive strike.1 UltraViolet plans to take out a huge billboard truck to drive around the White House to display the names of people standing with the strike–we’ll show Trump we are here, and we’re not going away.

    Even if you can’t leave work, you can sign on in solidarity. Since his speech Tuesday, pundits have been trying to paint Trump as newly presidential, but we need to show the American people aren’t buying it.2 The deadline to be included is this Friday! Will you add your name to the billboard right now?

    Stick it to Trump and show your support for the Day Without a Woman Strike. Add your name to a billboard in front of the White House.
    Add your name

    Women are striking to show what a day without women looks like. The organizers of the Women’s March explained the strike will highlight “the enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socioeconomic system, while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment and job insecurity.”3

    The women supporting the strike will stand up for an end to violence against women and in defense of reproductive rights.4 They will stand in stark opposition to Trump’s hateful policies like the Muslim ban, aggressive deportations, and attempts to reverse LGBTQ equality.

    Last week we saw Republican members of Congress running scared from their constituents at town halls.5 But this week, they wanted us to believe that Trump’s white nationalist policies are now presidential because he could read off a teleprompter. We’re not buying it. Help us keep the pressure on Trump by adding your name to our billboard–we will drive it around the White House on March 8th, so he knows how many people support the strike.

    The strike will be powerful, but we know not everyone can afford to leave work early. Signing on to the billboard we’ll put in front of the White House is another way to show your support.

    Add your name to the billboard today to amplify the message.

    Thanks for speaking out,

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Megan, Emma, PaKou, and Pilar, the UltraViolet team


    1. A Day Without A Woman, Women’s March, accessed February 24, 2017

    2. Pundits applaud Trump’s ‘presidential’ call for white nationalist policies, ThinkProgress, March 1, 2017

    3. ‘Day Without A Woman’ details released, CNN, February 23, 2017

    4. Women of America: we’re going on strike. Join us so Trump will see our power, Guardian, February 6, 2017

    5. Republicans at risk in 2018 steering clear of town halls, Hill, February 21, 2017


  3. Day 252 (September 29, 2017)
    In today’s issue: Priceless.

    Tom Price, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary, is being investigated for his taxpayer-funded travel on private jets. Because he’s spent a lot of your money to fuel his personal travel and errands.
    Price’s private jet travel has cost taxpayers at least $1,000,000. Price said he would pay for the flights himself, but HHS says Price will reimburse the government for the equivalent of commercial business class seats, not the cost of charter flights. $51,887.31. He wants taxpayers to cover the other $950,000.
    Tom Price is exactly what is wrong with this administration: consumed by greed, short-sighted, undermines the intelligence of the public, selfish, and offensive.


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