Snowmen, parakeets and blackbirds

Snow on plants, 12 February 2017

Today, a snowy day, we went to the botanical garden. Much snow on our way, eg, on these plants.

Snowman, 12 February 2017

When we had nearly arrived at the botanical garden, this snowman. His nose was a carrot, like traditionally with snowmen. However, his eyes were untraditional: Coca-Cola bottle caps.

Yesterday, on a park bench, we had seen another snowman (with a snowchild next to him); with Amstel beer bottle caps as eyes. Snowmen’s eyes used to be coal. However, now there is no longer coal in most homes.

After this photo, the battery of the cell phone was empty. So, no more photos today.

A pity, as in the botanical garden there was lots of beautiful snow on branches. Green ring-necked parakeets on snowy white branches. Blackbirds in the snow, and more.

At the astronomical observatory, someone tried to make a snow telescope. However, that turned out to be not easy.

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