Neelie Kroes’ Bahamas scandal, protest songs

This is a Dutch music video about a protest song in 1984. It is the Neelie [Smit] Kroes Blues by a brass band from Hoorn.

Dutch European Union politician cum corporate capitalist Ms Neelie Kroes has  management jobs at Über multinational taxi corporation and Bank of America, after she had claimed she would not get any ‘revolving door‘ job after her term as European Commission member would finish.

Ms Kroes is a member of the pro-Big Business VVD political party. Before she was in the European Commission, she had been in parliament, in the Dutch government, etc.

Already long before Ms Kroes’ present Bahamas offshore money scandal, there were protest songs against her. That 1984 protest was against her plans to drain part of the IJsselmeer lake (recently, a better plan was started to make that area a nature reserve, attractive for tufted ducks, mergansers, goldeneyes and other wintering birds).

Here is the audio of another protest song about Ms Kroes, also called the Neelie Smit Kroes Blues. Its lyrics say that Ms Kroes, ‘that ‘darling’ of the VVD party’ should get out of politics. Well, if she leaves politics, but though her ‘revolving door‘ with Big Business is still politically powerful, then …

The European Commission said there was “scope” to slap sanctions on its former competition policy chief Neelie Kroes, embroiled in the Bahamas Leaks scandal, after taking five days to react to an e-mail where she confessed having transgressed the rules: here.

6 thoughts on “Neelie Kroes’ Bahamas scandal, protest songs

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