Goldeneye and little grebe

This is a tufted duck video from England.

On Sunday 25 March, again to the “Baillon’s crake reserve“.

Near the southern entrance, tufted ducks and grey lag geese.

Reed buntings.

A coot.

Canada geese.

Northern lapwing, Polders bij Poelgeest, 25 March 2012

A northern lapwing.

A lesser black-backed gull flying.

In the southern lake, shoveler ducks.

Teal with their soft whistling sounds.

Gadwall ducks.

Male and female common pochards flying, landing on the water.

In the northern lake, again over a hundred black-tailed godwits on and near the muddy island. And common, black-headed, and herring gulls. And two redshanks.

Black-headed gull, Polders bij Poelgeest, 25 March 2012

A starling.

On the northern meadow, two hares. Scores of coots. An oystercatcher.

In the lake, two shelducks. The same (?) juvenile black swan as yesterday is cleaning its feathers.

A pied wagtail.

White stork, Polders bij Poelgeest, 25 March 2012

A white stork circles overhead.

Male goldeneye on the left, with coot, tufted ducks and oystercatcher, Polders bij Poelgeest, 25 March 2012

Then, something special. A male goldeneye swims, and cleans its feathers, in the southern lake; in between tufted ducks. An unusual bird for this shallow marshy water.

Goldeneye photos: here. And here. And here. And here.

Mallard drake, Polders bij Poelgeest, 25 March 2012

Of course, mallards.

Just before the southern exit: a little grebe swimming. And a grey heron on a canal bank.

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch reveals starling decline: here.