Brazilian coup mastermind expelled from office for corruption

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Brazil‘s ex-speaker Eduardo Cunha expelled from office amid corruption charges

13 September 2016

Eduardo Cunha, the man dubbed Brazil‘s most corrupt, and former speaker of the lower house has been stripped of his seat.

The chamber voted 450-10 to remove him from office.

He was charged with corruption and denied the existence of [his secret] Swiss bank accounts, he now faces arrest.

Defending himself, he said he was ‘paying the price’ of having led the impeachment against ex-leader Dilma Rousseff. …

A lively and often venomous debate preceded the vote.

Ivan Valente, deputy of the PSOL Party (Socialism and Liberty Party) from São Paulo, made an impassioned call for his removal, saying that Cunha was corrupt and that he had to go for justice to prevail, before chanting ‘Cunha Out’.

Cunha is also under investigation for taking kickbacks in a scandal involving the state oil company, Petrobras. He has threatened to implicate others, leaving some members of President Michel Temer’s new government vulnerable.

According to Dutch NOS TV today (translated):

The conservative Christian politician [Cunha] was the biggest opponent of the deposed president Rousseff.

See also here.

Solidarity against the coup in Brazil in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: here.

12 thoughts on “Brazilian coup mastermind expelled from office for corruption

  1. Pingback: Brazilian corrupt coup regime privatises national assets | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Friday 21st October 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    FORMER Brazilian Congress speaker Eduardo Cunha was arrested on Wednesday as part of the “Car Wash” probe into corruption at state oil firm Petrobras.

    Prosecutors said they had requested Mr Cunha’s detention in the capital Brasilia on the grounds that he represented a threat to the integrity of the investigation and there was a risk of him absconding.

    They also asked for the freezing of his bank accounts, which hold deposits totalling more than £50 million.

    Mr Cunha, who led the legislative coup that led to the impeachment of left-wing president Dilma Rousseff over minor budget-juggling allegations, called his arrest “absurd.”

    The PMDB party comrade of unelected President Michel Temer was forced to resign as speaker of the lower house Chamber of Deputies in July over allegations that he had taken millions of pounds’ worth of bribes in return for lucrative tenders.


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