Violinist Perlman against homophobia in North Carolina

This video from the USA says about itself:

P. I. TchaikovskyViolin Concerto in D major, Op. 35Itzhak Perlman

25 September 2014

Soloist: Itzhak Perlman
Conductor: Eugene Ormandy
Philadelphia Orchestra

I’m sorry the video and audio are not quite together at the end.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Violinist Itzhak Perlman not playing in North Carolina because of homophobic law

Today, 21:57

After famous rock musicians like Bruce Springsteen and Pearl Jam now the world-renowned classical violinist Itzhak Perlman has decided not to play in North Carolina to protest against the new anti-gay legislation. Perlman via Facebook announced that tomorrow he will not travel to the city of Raleigh, where he would perform as a soloist with the North Carolina Symphony.

The Israeli virtuoso (70) wrote on Facebook that he has all his life been opposed to discrimination and has always advocated equal rights for everyone.

The state of North Carolina recently made the so-called “toilet law”, which requires transgender people to choose in public toilets the bathroom according to their birth gender. Also gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people will no longer be allowed go to courts if they are discriminated against.

Initially Perlman asked if he could add a protest statement to the program. This was refused by the orchestra, because it is heavily subsidized by the state.

Perlman will only play again in North Carolina if the law will have been repealed.

A North Carolina teacher is suing a school that ‘fired him for being gay’: here.

NORTH CAROLINA TO REPEAL TRANSGENDER BATHROOM BILL “Lawmakers in North Carolina announced late Wednesday they had reached a deal to repeal the state’s controversial bill that bars transgender people from using bathrooms associated with their gender identity.” And here’s what the move means for the president. [HuffPost]

23 thoughts on “Violinist Perlman against homophobia in North Carolina

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  14. Last year, North Carolina passed HB-2, a law giving blanket authorization to ban transgender people from using public restrooms at school, work, and even in public buildings.

    You’ve probably heard of it, because backlash was immediate and severe: Upwards of $600 million in tanked revenue, countless cancelled entertainment events, and the loss of national respect.

    Washington state might be next: At this very moment, opponents of equality are collecting signatures for I-1552, a harmful initiative that seeks to roll back our long-standing non-discrimination protections for our transgender friends, family members, and neighbors.

    I-1552 backers need to collect about 260,000 valid signatures by Jul‌y 7‌. If they succeed, the law that has long protected transgender people from discrimination will face repeal on the ballot this November — but we can fight back: Add your name now to say that you will “Decline to Sign” any petition that would repeal our non-discrimination laws.

    Washington state has led the way when it comes to upholding and embracing fairness and equality, and that’s why this is so disappointing. In 2017, people are seeking to legalize discrimination against some of our most vulnerable community members — an effort fueled by fear and hatred.

    We can still defeat I-1552 — but we only have six weeks, and the clock is ticking.

    There’s too much at stake to step back — add your name now to “Decline to Sign” any petition that seeks to repeal Washington state’s non-discrimination laws.

    Thanks so much,

    Patty Murray
    U.S. Senator


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