Japanese militarism costs more than ever

This video says about itself:

Japan: Thousands Protest Plans To Send Military Overseas To Fight

31 August 2015

Japan hasn’t sent its military to fight overseas since World War Two. Seventy years later the Abe government wants to change that with a new security bill.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands today:

The defense budget of Japan is rising next year to record levels. Japan has since World War II a pacifist constitution, but in September there was a new defense bill which gives the military a more active role. It is therefore possible that the Japanese army will be deployed abroad. …

The budget now exceeds for the first time 5000 billion yen and will be 38.6 billion euros next year. …

Also, the Japanese government has a wish list for new material. They want drones and F-35 fighter jets, especially for the cooperation with the United States.