Architecture, hermit crabs and migrants

This 2013 video from Japan is called Why Not Hand Over a ‘Shelter’ to Hermit Crabs?” AKI INOMATA.

This 2015 video from Japan is called AKI INOMATA: Why Not Hand Over a “Shelter” to Hermit Crabs? -White Chapel.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Japanese woman says hermit crabs deserve artistic homes

Today, 18:10

A Japanese artist has presented a special project with live hermit crabs. Aki Inomata made with a 3D printer transparent cabins for the aquatic animals in the form of well-known buildings.

“Why would we allow the hermit crabs no shelter,” the art project is called. “I want the crabs all over the world to have homes,” says the artist from Tokyo, “and also to make it possible for them to move to other cities.” One of her crab houses represents a windmill in [Dutch open air museum neighbourhood] Zaanse Schans.

With this project, Inomata wants to draw attention to the themes of immigration and national identity.

7 thoughts on “Architecture, hermit crabs and migrants

  1. Pingback: Hermit crab on Ameland island beach | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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