British Conservative Lord wants to sack women firefighters

This video from the USA says about itself:

Ultimate women firefighters show the boys how it’s done

5 July 2015

Two women firefighters from Indiana compete for gold in the bi-annual 2015 Ultimate Firefighter Challenge held in Springfield, Va.

By Conrad Landin in Britain:

Women can’t fight fires, claims Tebbit

Friday 16th October 2015

‘Prehistoric’ Tory peer told to apologise

“PREHISTORIC” Lord Norman Tebbit was called on to apologise yesterday after the veteran Tory said women should not be “allowed” to serve as firefighters.

While attending a lobby of Parliament on Wednesday, firefighters bumped into the Thatcher-era cabinet minister in the Palace of Westminster’s central lobby.

They pressed the Conservative peer on the impact of his party’s reforms to fire service pensions, which will force staff to pay in more and retire five years later.

The Fire Brigades Union members argued that the changes would disproportionately affect women officers.

To their astonishment, Mr Tebbit replied by saying that “women shouldn’t be firefighters,” according to eyewitnesses.

Nottinghamshire firefighter Carina Peel demanded he explain his remarks, arguing that it was not her fault that her gender affected her work.

Mr Tebbit hit back, saying: “I can’t mother a child and that’s not my fault.”

Ms Peel said she then asked him if it would have “made a difference” if women officers had rescued him from the IRA’s 1986 bombing of the Grand Hotel in Brighton, in which he was injured.

Mr Tebbit dodged the question and moved the conversation on to another subject, she said.

FBU women’s committee secretary Samantha Rye joined Ms Peel in calling for an apology.

“Women have served with distinction alongside their male colleagues for over 30 years in the fire and rescue service,” she said.

“They work incredibly hard to prove themselves in what is still a predominantly male environment.

Lord Tebbit was rescued from the Brighton bombing by firefighters — would he have refused the service he received if it had been a woman rescuing him?

“Women firefighters go through the same testing and fitness training as their male colleagues do. We can do the job just as well.”

Ms Peel added: “I find (Lord Tebbit’s remark) hugely offensive and disrespectful.

“He showed a prehistoric attitude towards myself and women who have fought for 30 years to establish themselves in the fire service.”

The Star was unable to contact Lord Tebbit for comment.

7 thoughts on “British Conservative Lord wants to sack women firefighters

  1. Thursday 15th october 2015

    posted by Joana Ramiro in Britain

    Safety struggle goes on for under-attack firefighters

    FIREFIGHTERS vowed yesterday to battle on against deadly Tory cuts to the service, while warning the beaten Blairites on the back benches it’s time to “wind their necks in.”

    Fire Brigades Union (FBU) members from across Britain marched on Westminster to lobby MPs against the crippling 30 per cent cuts to the service brought in since 2010.

    Budget cuts have already slashed 7,000 jobs.

    Speaking to a fired-up crowd, the union’s leader Matt Wrack pounced on the Tories’ “senseless, dangerous agenda.”

    And he told Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s critics to “shut up” as the lobby was attended by several senior Labour figures including shadow chancellor John McDonnell, Richard Burgon, Kate Hoey and Ian Lavery.

    “Cuts undermine the ability of firefighters to do their job safety and effectively, people have died as a result — fact,” he said.

    He also expressed concerns to a packed Commons briefing room over proposals that police and crime commissioners take control of fire and rescue services.

    “Anyone who thinks firefighters’ neutrality will not be compromised by police commissioners is living in cloud cuckoo land,” he told members.

    Mr Wrack also turned to the Parliamentary Labour Party, where Mr Burgon was shouted down this week.

    After offering praise for Labour’s “unapologetic trade unionist” new leader, he said: “I don’t want to pry into the business of the Parliamentary Labour Party too much, but people may have seen the press reports of what went on in the PLP meeting this week.

    “On behalf of the [FBU] executive council, and I hope on behalf of everyone, I would say those people who are trying to put the knife into Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell need to wind their necks in and shut up and abide by the democratic decision of Labour Party members, affiliated trade unionists and supporters and also in non-affiliated trade unions like us, like PCS, like the RMT.

    “John and Jeremy have stood by those unions through thick and thin. We will now stand with them.”

    Mr McDonnell, who chairs the union’s parliamentary group, thanked firefighters for their support and encouraged the union members to “keep lobbying MPs about dangerous cuts.”

    Speculation has been growing that after Mr Corbyn’s victory that the FBU might be ready to reaffiliate to the Labour Party.


  2. Saturday 21st November 2015

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    GENDER equality should be reinstated in A-Level syllabuses, two Labour MPs told Tory Education Secretary Nicky Morgan in a letter yesterday.

    Ms Morgan, who is also Minister for Women and Equalities, was urged by shadow education secretary Lucy Powell and shadow minister for women and equalities Kate Green to reverse the government’s decision to drop the subject.

    They argued that it could create a “real risk” of young people thinking equal opportunity is unimportant.

    The MPs said they had initially thought the omission was an “oversight.”

    Women in Britain are twice as likely to live in poverty, are most affected as primary caregivers by tax credit cuts and are penalised by the “persistent gender pay gap,” they said.

    They wrote to Ms Morgan after she claimed to be committed to ensuring that equality is at the core of the Conservative Party’s agenda.

    “We also feel it is just as important to provide the space for young men to discuss the issues that can arise from gender and increase understanding of feminism,” Ms Powell and Ms Green added.


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