Poor women, drones, Monsanto in new films

This video from the USA says about itself:

The Spirit Level [aka The Divide] Documentary Trailer

By Kate Clark in Britain:

Documenting inconvenient truths

Tuesday 16th June 2015

KATE CLARK reports on some new films which illuminate topics that the powers-that-be would prefer us not to know about

SINCE the 1980s, the rich have become ever richer and they are giving a lot of money to right-wing political parties to ensure the system continues.

Greed has been made into a virtue and if a bank fails the state will bail it out — with our money.

That’s the context of Katharine Round’s The Divide, which gives a glimpse into the lives of women on zero-hours contracts in the US.

Inspired by the book The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, it depicts people living under guard in gated communities to avoid crime but who have to work every hour God sends and who are unable to be ill even for one day if they’re to meet their mortgage repayments.

A brilliant film and of particular interest to anyone concerned with inequality.

This video is called Tonje Hessen Schei ‘Drone’ trailer.

Drone by Norwegian film-maker Tonje Hessen Schei shines a light on the little-known human impact of US killer drones over Pakistan’s tribal areas.

Reprieve’s Clive Stafford Smith had the idea of putting enlarged photos of child drone-strike victims on the flat roofs of Waziristan’s village huts to try to make US drone operators, sitting in darkened booths 7,500 miles away, think about who they are killing when they “point and click” the button to release the drone’s missile.

Brandon Bryant, a young drone operator now suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, chillingly tells how his superior shouted: “Splash!” after Bryant had pressed the button killing a group of villagers. The others in the booth all laughed.

The film shows how video games are being used as recruiting tools for those who are “murderers for the state,” as one former operator puts it.

But US Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson questions the so-called war on terrorism when he asks: “How are we winning, if every time we kill four terrorists, we create 10?”

It’s a chilling but hugely important film and one’s faith in humanity is only restored by the courage of people like the young Bryant, organisations such as Reprieve and the Pakistani lawyer who is bringing victims’ cases to the High Court in an effort to get drone strikes stopped.

Sunu is a masterpiece by Mexico’s Sofia Marquez. Beautifully filmed, with huge empathy for the small and medium farmers she shows working their maize fields, it reveals the strong resistance to US transnational giant Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) seed programme being foisted on them.

Mexico’s indigenous farmers produce 65 different kinds of maize and they are scornful of the poor-quality GM yellow corn the US produces.

“We want them to respect our maize!” one farmer says, pointing out that their problem is not seeds but the Mexican government’s lack of support for small farmers.

USA: Feds used Monsanto-funded studies to decide Monsanto’s weed killer is safe: here.

6 thoughts on “Poor women, drones, Monsanto in new films

  1. Greed has been made into a virtue! We all pretend the television and movies aren’t influencing us and Gordon Gecko is simply entertainment. The media also shames us as anti-science “idiots” if we do not want to gleefully eat the low quality GM maize the Mexicans are rejecting. Yet if you read what they are doing with GMO’s it is pretty disgusting. We have no farmers left, we have conglomerates that rely on slave labor and then sell us bland, rubbery produce spliced with spermicide and fish genes for profit. So with all the human genes in the food are there any true vegans? I wonder if some day they will look back on these scientific geniuses as INSANE!


    • Mixing up criticism of (mis)application of *results* of science by greedy corporations like Monsanto (of which is there is solid scientific criticism) with real anti-science (like the promotion of shark cartilage ‘against cancer’ or other quackery by other ‘alternative’ greedy corporations) is a dishonest debating trick for which one should not capitulate.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Monsanto’s Dream Bill (H.R. 1599) would prohibit any state efforts to require labeling of genetically engineered foods (GMOs) — and it already passed in the House of Representatives. We have to stop this bill in the Senate!

    It’s our right to know what is in our food, and corporations should not be allowed to keep us in the dark. Please join Food & Water Watch in urging your Senators to oppose Monsanto’s Dream Bill.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik

    Food & Water Watch

    Congress Is Halfway to Banning Mandatory GMO Labels
    Tell Your Senators to Stand Up for Your Right to Know!

    We Need to Be Louder Than Monsanto

    Ray Kemble outside US EPA

    Ask Your Senators to Oppose Any Bill
    Prohibiting GMO Labels!

    Dear Activist,

    The Senate could take up “Monsanto’s dream bill” to prevent mandatory labeling of genetically engineered (GMO) food any day now. It already passed in the House of Representatives, so we need to stop this terrible bill in the Senate. Can you ask your Senators to oppose this attempt to take away labeling for genetically engineered foods?

    In poll after poll, more than 90% of people want food to be labeled if it contains genetically engineered ingredients. Several states have already passed laws requiring labeling, including Vermont, where labeling would go into effect next summer unless this awful bill passes through Congress and is signed into law by President Obama.

    That’s right, this bill could overturn popular, democratically enacted state laws.

    Our Senators are already hearing from Big Food lobbyists, so it’s critical that they hear from ALL of us too.

    Industry lobbyists have been busy, and it looks like some members of Congress may be confused about the misleadingly named “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.” On the surface, it sounds good, right? But there’s a reason people who’ve read the bill call it the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act (DARK Act). This bill would prohibit any states from labeling GMOs and make federal labeling voluntary, which is what we have already — and not a single product is labeled as containing genetically engineered ingredients.

    Tell your Senators that voluntary labels don’t work if companies are trying to keep secrets.

    The food industry has spent millions lobbying Congress and federal agencies to keep labels off GMO foods and to defeat labeling initiatives in multiple states. Genetically engineered ingredients are already in many processed foods, but because they’re unlabeled, it’s hard to avoid them.

    GMOs are largely untested, and it’s not fully known how they may be impacting our health and the environment. At the very least, we should have access to information that allows us to avoid GMOs if we want to. We already have labels that tell us about sugar, fat and potential allergens, so this shouldn’t be a big deal.

    If corporate profits depend on keeping us in the dark, there’s something very wrong. Urge your Senators to stand up to corporate lobbyists and to oppose this blatant attempt to take away your right to know what’s in your food.

    Thanks for taking action,

    Amanda Byrnes
    Online Organizer
    Food & Water Watch


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  4. Pingback: Drone, film on extra-judicial killing | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Monsanto sued for PCB pollution | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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