Pakistani drone survivors will speak with US Congress, Tuesday

This video says about itself:

27 Nov 2012

Robert Greenwald, Filmmaker/Producer & Founder-Brave New Films, joins Thom Hartmann. The US government says that drone attacks in the Middle East are targeted – and don’t put innocent civilians in harm’s way. Yet – our drones have killed hundreds of innocent men, women and children. When do we say enough is enough with drone warfare?

From Robert Greenwald & The War Costs Team in the USA:

“I saw her shoes. We found her mutilated body a short time afterwards,” – Nabila, 8-year-old granddaughter of drone strike victim Mamana Bibi

On Tuesday, October 29, at 10AM EST, Rafiq ur Rahman – a primary school teacher in Pakistan – will appear at a briefing called by Representative Alan Grayson (FL-09), along with his children Nabila and Zubair. In October 2012, Nabila and Zubair were injured in the same drone strike that killed their grandmother – Rafiq’s mother – while she was tending crops in her garden. This landmark briefing marks the first opportunity for Congress to hear in-person accounts from drone strike survivors.

The Congressional briefing will be available to watch via live stream. RSVP today to witness as Rafiq, Nabila, and Zubair share their intimate account of living through a drone strike, the loss they experienced, and the devastating aftermath.

“I’m looking forward to hearing from the drone strike victims,” said Congressman Grayson. “When it comes to national security matters like drone strikes, it’s important that we hear not only from the proponents of these attacks, but also from the victims. They have a unique perspective to share with Congress, and I hope that my colleagues will attend this important event on October 29th.”

Rafiq ur Rehman has traveled from North Waziristan to tell his story before Congress because he believes that more people should know that these strikes are killing and terrorizing innocent families. It is imperative that Congress and the White House know that the implementation of U.S. drone strikes abroad are fueling anti-American sentiment and serving as a tool for terrorist recruitment.

Don’t miss this historic event. – RSVP* now to watch as drone survivors, for the first time, share their story with Congress.


Robert Greenwald & The War Costs Team

*Every person that RSVP’s to stream this live event will automatically be signed up to receive a FREE link on October 30th to watch our upcoming documentary UNMANNED: America’s Drone Wars.

Why Did America Kill My Mother? Pakistani Drone Victim Comes To Congress For Answer: here.

Malala Yousafzai tells Obama drones are ‘fueling terrorism’: here.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is caught between Pakistan’s strategic alliance with the US on the one hand and mass popular opposition to the criminal drone war on the other: here.

Confessions of a Drone Warrior: here.

Hundreds of Pakistanis rallied against an army operation in the North Waziristan tribal area which they say killed many civilians: here.

Britain: Human rights campaigners condemned a London court’s “shameful” decision yesterday to strike down the case of Noor Khan, whose father was killed in a US-led bombing in Pakistan’s North Waziristan in 2011: here.

21 thoughts on “Pakistani drone survivors will speak with US Congress, Tuesday

  1. Pingback: British government bans Pakistani drone survivors | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: CIA pays AT&T to spy on phones | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Malala Yousafzai awarded the Sakharov prize

    Posted by Paul Murphy on Nov 20, 2013 in Blog, EU, International, Updates from the Parliament

    Today the European Parliament will present the Sakharov prize for freedom of thought to Malala Yousafzai. Malala Yousafzai has become a household name because of her brave stand to defend the right of girls and young women to education in a country where that right is undermined and under constant attack by reactionary forces, including the Taliban. I am happy to see Malala alive and well after the attack on her life in October last year and am impressed to see that she has not conceded but continues her determined struggle for the right of young women to decent education.

    What is less known of Malala is that she has expressed strong views in favour of socialism as a form of society that can deliver in the interest of working people, the poor and women. Prior to the attack on her life last year, she spoke at a conference in Pakistan’s Swat Valley, the place she was born and raised and explained that ‘I am convinced that socialism is the only answer. It will free us from the chain of bigotry and exploitation’.

    This statement is an indication of the powerful socialist traditions of the working class and trade union movement that still exist in Pakistan to this day, despite the ferocious repression by the government and reactionary, right wing forces and political Islam. This is hardly reported on as it does not fit the image Western powers would like to convey on Pakistan.
    Malala Yousafzai to be awarded the Sakharov Prize today

    Malala Yousafzai to be awarded the Sakharov Prize today

    Malala is a strong young woman who does not hide her views. After meeting President Obama in October this year, she reported: ‘I also expressed my concerns that drone attacks are fueling terrorism. Innocent victims are killed in these acts, and they lead to resentment among Pakistani people.’ A statement that wasn’t mentioned in the White House report, but one I can fully endorse.

    Last month, Amnesty International reported that in 2012, US drone strikes killed a Pakistani grandmother and wife of a retired school principal as she was gathering vegetables as well as 18 civilian laborers, the youngest being 14 years of age. Since 2004, the US carried out 376 drone attacks in Pakistan. The death toll of which is put between 2,525 and 3,613, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. According to the UN, 400 civilians and an additional 200 ‘non- combatants’ were killed in drone attacks, local Pakistani media claims 926 civilian deaths.

    It is ordinary people who are the victims of this supposed war against terror. The war against Afghanistan has in fact boosted reactionary forces such as the Taliban. It has destabilised a whole region. It has not strengthened the position of women and it has not led to a so-called democratic transition. The Afghanistan government is increasingly demonstrated to be corrupt as is the Pakistan government. The people of the region, like Malala, need to take their destiny in their own hands and fight for a society, free of war, poverty, corruption and any discrimnation based on sex, religion or ethnic origin.

    See also


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