Drones kill Pakistani civilians

This video from the USA says about itself:

Sep 24, 2012 by bravenewfoundation


Since 2004, up to 884 innocent civilians, including at least 176 children, have died from US drone strikes in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan. A new report from the Stanford and New York University law schools finds drone use has caused widespread post-tramatic stress disorder and an overall breakdown of functional society in North Waziristan.

In addition, the report finds the use of a “double tap” procedure, in which a drone strikes once and strikes again not long after, has led to deaths of rescuers and medical professionals. Many interviewees told the researchers they didn’t know what America was before drones. Now what they know of America is drones, death and terror. Follow the conversation @WarCosts #UnderDrones

Robert Greenwald from the USA writes:

Keep the Obama Drone Momentum Going!

Become a Producer Now

Dear Friend —

On Thursday President Obama spoke before the American people giving a powerful and eloquent speech on the use of drones. Unfortunately the speech leaves many of the basic assumptions of a policy based on trying to kill our way to safety still in place. Help us change that.

Last year, I traveled to Pakistan and saw firsthand the damage that these drones are doing to families, businesses and the safety of our own country. Were the innocent men, women and children considered ?a significant threat? or did the drones malfunction? The program is still shrouded in secrecy, so all we know for sure is that countless of innocent Pakistanis are dead and the families they left behind are grieving and angry. We have some important and unique interviews but we can’t finish the film without your help.

Koch Brothers Exposed, Iraq for Sale and War on Whistleblowers were all finished because you chipped in to make it happen! Donate $25 now to become a Producer on our film and see it for free when it is completed.

Thanks as always for your support.



First US drone strike in Pakistan since Obama’s drone speech kills seven: here.

Drone ‘Signature Strike‘ Witness Responds To Obama Speech: ‘I Don’t Trust A Single Word’: here.

11 thoughts on “Drones kill Pakistani civilians

  1. As I wrote in my comment on the previous article on this topic, the use of drones is illegal and a crime.
    It will only create and increase hatred against the west and cause a generation of young Muslims to radicalize themselves. So in terms of security, it is completely counterproductive. Not only will this increase anti-western terrorism but it is also playing into the hands of those who are trying to create fundamentalist regimes. Sending drones means pouring oil into the flames.


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